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News Release — Byron Dorgan, Senator for North Dakota


Senator says bill will also bring $175 million to North Dakota for job-creating transportation projects

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CONTACT: Justin Kitsch
or  Brenden Timpe
PHONE: 202-224-2551

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) --- U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) played a key role in shaping the economic recovery plan that was approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee today, saying his goal is to create jobs in North Dakota and across the nation while giving a boost to domestic energy industries.

As Chairman of the panel that funds the nation’s energy and water infrastructure projects, Dorgan helped craft energy investments included in the legislation. Additionally, to ensure that more of the economic stimulus funds are used to boost our nation’s own economy, Dorgan authored a “Buy American” provision in the bill, which gives preference to American-produced materials and products.

“Creating more jobs is the key to jumpstarting our economy, and this economic recovery plan is a big, bold investment in our future,” said Dorgan. “The ‘Buy American’ provision I was able to include in the legislation will go a long way toward putting more people back to work and stimulating our own economy. I believe when taxpayer dollars are used, they should support the things produced here at home – from the steel that will go into these projects to the Bobcat Skid-Steer loader that will be on the construction site.”

“In addition to creating jobs, this economic recovery plan includes investments in energy projects that will help boost our economy in North Dakota,” Dorgan said. “The job losses we’ve seen recently at some of the best companies in North Dakota have made clear that our state is not immune to the problems that face the larger economy. The investments I’ve included in this bill will help our state weather this economic crisis even as we grow our energy industry and help our country achieve energy independence.”

The Energy and Water investments that Senator Dorgan included will put people to work building critical energy and water projects around the nation. The provisions that will create jobs and boost the economy in North Dakota include:

Between $12 billion and $16 billion to bolster the nation’s electricity transmission infrastructure. The lack of transmission lines has been cited as a key hurdle to the expansion of North Dakota’s electricity generation industry.

Approximately $22.8 billion is provided for renewable energy- and energy efficiency-related grants, demonstrations, deployments, and loans. With its world-class wind resource and ample supply of biofuel feedstocks, North Dakota has the potential to lead the nation in production of renewable energy.

$4.6 billion is provided for fossil energy research and demonstrations. This funding will help boost North Dakota’s coal, oil and gas industries.

• The Bill provides $4.6 billion in funding for the Army Corps of Engineers and $1.4 billion in funding for the Bureau of Reclamation. Both agencies play a critical role in the management of North Dakota’s water resources.

Dorgan also points out that the economic recovery plan does not contain earmarks, but includes funding for other programs that could benefit North Dakota, including additional funding for rural businesses, rural energy development, Amtrak, and distance learning and telemedicine. The bill also includes military construction funding that could speed up construction at North Dakota’s Air Force Bases. In addition, the bill will invest an estimated $14 million in transit projects and $161 million in highway projects in North Dakota.

The economic recovery legislation now moves to the full Senate for consideration.