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News Release — Byron Dorgan, Senator for North Dakota


Report pledged to maintain the base's top-notch infrastructure in anticipation of new missions

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

CONTACT: Justin Kitsch
or  Brenden Timpe
PHONE: 202-224-2551

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) --- U.S. Senators Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad and Congressman Earl Pomeroy announced Wednesday that the U.S. Air Force has delivered a report to Congress that bodes well for the future of Grand Forks Air Force Base. Air Force officials pledged to continue to look for additional missions for the base and, in the meantime, keep up the base’s top-notch infrastructure.

The commitments come in a report the Air Force was required to complete thanks to an amendment added by Senator Dorgan to last year’s Defense Appropriations bill. Because of more than $400 million in military construction improvements secured by the delegation for the base, the infrastructure at the facility is in excellent condition, the report said. The Air Force pledged to maintain that high-quality infrastructure while continuing to explore new opportunities to expand the base’s mission, it said.

“The Air Force can grow the [Unmanned Aircraft Systems] mission assigned to GFAFB and concurrently preserve capacity for any future potential tanker mission,” the report said. “GFAFB may have sufficient space to assign additional mission sets without jeopardizing the base as a potential bed down site for a new tanker mission.”

“This report makes very clear that the Air Force views Grand Forks Air Force Base as an important installation, and has big plans for it in the future,” Senator Dorgan said. “We’ve worked hard to build relationships with the Air Force and ensure the base has all the resources it needs, and we’re seeing that pay off here. This report shows that the top decision-makers in the Air Force recognize the importance of Grand Forks Air Force Base and we’ll continue to work with them to expand its role.”

“The Air Force has completed a review of Grand Forks Air Force Base and clearly recognizes that the base is one of its crown jewels,” Senator Conrad said. “The base is ripe for expanded opportunities and long-term growth. I think that we have opportunities to secure both future tankers and more Predator and Global Hawk unmanned aircraft systems, and this report will help us make the case for those opportunities in discussions with top Air Force leaders.”

“I’m pleased this report echoes what we here in North Dakota already know, that Grand Forks Air Force Base is a first-class facility,” Congressman Pomeroy said. “The future is bright for Grand Forks Air Force Base, and I will continue to work to bring new missions to ensure it remains a top-notch installation for many years to come.”