Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey
Marin CountySonoma County
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Washington DC Office:
2263 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
Ph.:  202-225-5161
Fax: 202-225-5163
District Offices:
Marin Office:
1050 Northgate Drive
Suite 354
San Rafael, CA. 94903
Ph.:  415-507-9554
Fax: 415-507-9601
Sonoma Office:
1101 College Avenue
Suite 200
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Ph.:  707-542-7182
Fax: 707-542-2745
Legislation & Issues
Below are links to the bills written, introduced and cosponsored by Lynn in the 110th Congress.  You may click on the bill number to find the actual status and summary of each legislation.
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Dealing with traffic congestion continues to be one of our community’s greatest challenges.  In fact, Americans spend an average of 47 hours sitting in traffic each year.  These delays end up costing us over $63 billion a year.  This is unacceptable, and we need to do more to alleviate traffic congestion.  We must also work to create a multimodal transportation system that is efficient, effective, and environmentally sound.  That is why I am working hard in Washington, D.C., to secure federal dollars for key local projects.

Fighting for funding to improve the North Bay’s transportation systems has been on of my top priorities.  Working with local officials, I secured over $43 million dollars targeted at improving the Narrows and providing people with transportation alternatives along Highway 101 which will finally help end the congestion that has been plaguing our area. In conjunction with this, I have secured money for a multimodal transportation solution to relieve traffic congestion on Highway 101 including funding for a pedestrian walkway and a bicycle path along Highway 101.

In addition, I was able to have Marin County designated as on of four areas selected for a pilot program for nonmotorized transportation.  This means that Marin County will receive $25 million to construct a network of nonmotorized transportation infrastructure facilities, including sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and pedestrian and bicycle trails, that connect directly with transit stations, schools, residences, businesses, recreation areas, and other community activity centers.

As part of my effort to champion our district’s transportation needs, I have brought to our district transportation leaders such as Rep. James Oberstar, the Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and Rep.  Ellen Tauscher, the senior California Democratic member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.  I have held a meeting in Washington D.C., with Rep. Oberstar and Caltrans Director Jeff Morales to further discuss funding partnerships between local, state, and the federal governments.  This coordination with my constituents, as well as community organizations, environmental groups, and local and state governments will help us to build on a regional transportation plan that addresses all of our transportation options, especially those that will reduce congestion with minimum impact on the environment.

(updated Sept. 2008)