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 In the 110th Congress,  Representative Blumenauer has introduced several pieces of legislation that address some of the most pressing issues facing the United States:

H.R. 5976 - The United States Commission on Rebuilding America for the 21st Century Act - This bill would empower a bipartisan commission to create a plan to guide America’s response to our current infrastructure and resource challenges for the next fifty years. It has 24 bi-partisan co-sponsors.

H.R. 2265 - The Responsibility to Iraqi Refugees Act of 2007- Facilitates entry of Iraqi refugees into the U.S. who are at risk because they have helped U.S. soldiers.  Provisions from this bill were incorporated into the Defense Authorization Act of 2007 and signed into law by the President.

H.R. 1497 - The Legal Timber Protection Act - Bans trade in illegally harvested timber and wood products and provides the tools to keep illegally harvested timber out of the United States.   It was signed into law as part of the Farm Bill in June of 2008.

H.R. 2715 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to include heavier vehicles in the limitation on the depreciation of certain luxury automobiles - This bill would close the “Hummer Tax Loophole to eliminate tax incentives for business purchases of luxury SUVs weighing over 6,000 lbs. This provision passed the House as part of H.R. 2776 in August of 2007, but it hasn’t yet passed the Senate.

H.R. 3636 - The Superfund Reinvestment Act of 2007 - Reauthorizes taxes that fund clean up of superfund sites, the country’s most hazardous waste areas. This bill has 16 co-sponsors.

H.R. 2364 - The Local Food and Farm Support Act of 2007 - Provides funding for specialty crops and nutrition programs that are important to Oregon. Many provisions of this bill were included in the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, which became law in May of 2008.

H.R. 1136 - The Ethics Reform Act of 2007 - Establishes an Independent Ethics Commission consisting of eleven former Members of Congress. It was introduced with Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.).

H.R. 663 - The New Direction for Iraq Act - Redeploys U.S. troops in Iraq within 30 days, directs President to undertake diplomatic actions in Iraq. This bill has 11 co-sponsors.

H.R. 6495 – The Transportation and Housing Choices for Gas Price Relief Act – Provides consumers with, and educates them about, choices in how they get around and where they live that will reduce their dependence on gasoline.  This bill has 16 bi-partisan co-sponsors.

H.R. 1498 – The Bike Commuter Act - Amends the IRS Code to include bicycles in the definition of transportation covered by fringe benefits; allows employers to provide $20/month in benefits to employees who commute by bicycle. This provides bike commuters with the same benefits that people who commute by car and public transportation already get.  This bill was included in the energy tax package that was attached to H.R. 1424, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. It was signed into law in October of 2008.

H.R. 1772 – The Rural Wind Energy Development Act – Provides a 30% tax credit for the installation of small wind turbines. This bill was included in the energy tax package that was attached to H.R. 1424, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. It was signed into law in October of 2008.

H.R. 3637 – The Higher Education Sustainability Act. - Amends Title VII of the Higher Education Act to authorize a $50 million competitive grant program to universities and institutions of higher education to develop, implement and evaluate sustainability curriculums, practices and academic programs.  This was signed into law as part of the College Cost Reduction Access Act in September of 2007. 

Click here to see a list of recent bills that Congressman Blumenauer has introduced in the House of Representatives.

You can also click here to view a list of bills introduced by other Representatives that Congressman Blumenauer has co-sponsored. 

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