Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey
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Woolsey Joins President for Signing of Lilly Ledbetter Legislation
January 29, 2009

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, the Chair of the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, today joined President Obama for the signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, legislation to reverse an erroneous Supreme Court decision that limits the ability of women and other workers to hold their employers accountable in cases of pay discrimination.  Women are particularly hurt by pay discrimination, on average earning just 78 cents for every dollar earned by a man performing the same job.  Woolsey was an original cosponsor of the legislation, which passed the House and Senate earlier this week.

“I am proud to join President Obama today in sending a message that our country will not stand by as irresponsible companies break the law when it comes to equal pay.  The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act will not only correct a grave injustice by the Supreme Court, but in doing so will lift millions of women, and the families who rely on them, out of poverty.  My only regret is that Lilly Ledbetter, who worked so hard to get us to this point, will not benefit from the law which rightfully bears her name.  Her commitment and sacrifice has cleared the path for workers throughout our country to receive the pay they deserve.  While today is a time to celebrate, I am under no allusions that pay discrimination will end overnight.  We must be committed to building upon this legislation, and to keep on fighting until every worker in America receives equal pay for equal work.”