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Getting Oregon the Federal Help it Needs
Tuesday, 27 January 2009

I was encouraged by a report from the House Appropriations and Transportation and Infrastructure Committees and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities that says Oregon is slated to receive more than $2.1 billion in federal stimulus under the American Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

That money will go toward helping Oregon lead the country toward a new economy based on a renewed infrastructure system and newly trained workers to take on green-tech jobs. It will also go toward preparing Oregon for a more secure future by investing in  our education, healthcare, and infrastructure. These are the programs that will help provide jobs and rebuild and renew our nation.

I am also encouraged by the economic assistance Oregon will receive through the tax provisions passed in the Ways and Means Committee last week.

Our economy is struggling and more vulnerable than it's been in decades.  American families and businesses need this assistance more than ever and they need it now. This funding will help create jobs for Oregonians and help those who are trying to rebound from a recent lay-off, while making long-term investments in Oregon's infrastructure, schools, and health care system thereby laying the foundation for fiscal sustainability in the future.

For a detailed breakdown on the funding, see the following table of numbers released by the House Appropriations and Transportation and Infrastructure Committees and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. 

State Fiscal Stabilization Fund $747,154,000  
Title I (Education)     $130,618,000  
Individuals with Disabilities Act       $149,451,000  
Education Technology State Grants       $9,121,128    
Education, Modernization, Renovation, and Repair        $209,934,000  
Pell Grant Maximum Award        $279,413,147  
Head Start      $7,240,010    
Child Care and Development Block Grant  $22,510,354   
Employment & Training   $33,013,081   
Community Services Block Grant  $7,973,094    
Low-income Home Energy Assistance       $12,111,452   
Elderly Nutrition Services      $2,743,104    
Preventative Health and Health Services Block Grant     $2,179,063    
Highways and Bridges    $349,351,566  
Transit Capital Grants  $68,309,581   
Fixed Guideway Modernization    $15,128,906   
Clean Water State Revolving Fund        $65,574,135   
Supplemental Security Income    $36,600,000
Emergency Shelter Grant Program $15,000,00
Byrne-Jag Grants        $33,285,576
TOTAL   $2,181,711,197

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