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Press Release 

January 15, 2009

Chandler’s Education Bill Included in the Economic Recovery Package

By Jennifer Krimm

WASHINGTON, (January 15, 2009)—Today, Congressional leadership announced that Congressman Ben Chandler’s education bill, the 21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act, will be included in the House version of the economic recovery package. Under the most recent Title I formula, schools in the Sixth Congressional District could be expected to receive up to $24 million. At Congressman Chandler’s urging, the recovery package—the American Recovery and Reinvestment bill—will contain $14 billion for the energy-efficient modernization and renovation of K-12 schools, an additional $1 billion for educational technology upgrades, and oversight provisions championed by Chandler.

“The bill contributes to the economy in a number of different ways—it creates jobs that can’t be shipped overseas, encourages the growth of the green building sector, and invests in America’s most crucial economic resource, our children,” Chandler said. “We are not only fixing crumbling roofs and removing lead and asbestos from the classroom, we are giving American students the preparation they need to compete on a global stage.”

Congressman Chandler introduced the bill in 2007, and it passed the U.S. House of Representatives on June 4, 2008. The $14 billion in federal funds will be allocated through the existing Title I formula which determines eligibility based on need.  Nearly 95% of America’s K-12 schools and 100% of the Sixth District’s schools are eligible for Title I funding. The schools receiving the funds can use the money to modernize, renovate and repair school infrastructure, which includes projects from updating physical infrastructure to upgrading and installing educational technology infrastructure.  Additionally, a percentage of the funds allocated must comply with energy efficiency and other environmentally-friendly standards.

“All of our nation’s schools are in need of becoming more energy-efficient, and implementing these standards could be a large, symbolic step toward our country’s commitment to end climate change,” Chandler added.

The recovery package also includes rigorous oversight provisions advocated for by Chandler in a letter to Speaker Pelosi on January 5, 2009.  Similar to authority granted as part of the New Deal, Chandler proposed that the government supervise the allocation of the recovery money through a federal oversight and investigative arm with authority to identify and look into charges of corruption. Today, Congressional leaders announced oversight will be conducted by the Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board.  This seven member board, containing Inspectors General and Deputy Cabinet secretaries, will review the management of recovery dollars and provide early warning on issues and problems. 

“I am always extremely concerned about massive government expenditures such as this,” Chandler said. “However, our country is facing an economic crisis, and I believe that this package is emergency aid that has been composed responsibly, contains significant oversight, and is a necessary step to boost our economy.  I am proud that the package demonstrates not only Congress’s support, but President-elect Obama’s commitment to our children. Investing in our young people truly is the long-term economic solution.”

The $825 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment bill is intended to help jump-start our economy through providing tax relief, creating jobs, modernizing infrastructure, and lowering healthcare costs.


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