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Press Release 

January 5, 2009

Chandler Pushes to Mandate Strict Government Oversight in Stimulus

By Jennifer Krimm

WASHINGTON, (January 5, 2009)—Today, Congressman Ben Chandler strongly urged the House leadership to include rigorous government oversight provisions in the proposed economic stimulus package. His letter, dated January 5, 2009, stressed to the Speaker of the House the importance of establishing firm rules governing the use of federal funds in the proposal.

“If the stimulus package becomes law, Congress must make sure that this large amount of taxpayer money is used appropriately,” Chandler said. “We must learn from history—from the lack of accountability in the Wall Street bailout plan and from the successful oversight provisions in the New Deal.”

Chandler proposes that the government supervise the allocation of the stimulus money through a federal oversight and investigative arm with the authority to identify and investigate all charges of corruption, similar to authority granted as part of the New Deal.

The multibillion dollar stimulus could include tax breaks, an investment in energy alternatives, and infrastructure improvements through public works programs.  Chandler’s bill—the 21st Century Green High Performing Public School Facilities Act, aimed at helping our nation’s crumbling K-12 schools though modernization, renovation, and repair—is likely to be included in the stimulus package as part of an infrastructure improvement program.

“Oversight is paramount,” Chandler stated. “Without it, we not only jeopardize the success of any stimulus package, but we run the risk of waste and corruption on a scale never before seen in the history of our great nation.  During these rough economic times, failure is not an option.”


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