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"Mother, if my constitution is unfit for gymnast… The grist mill shall become my pommel horse and daily labor my reward!"
"privatize success (by chalking it up to individuals) and socialize failure (by blaming it on large systemic problems)."
Pre-birthday celebration dinner for @judith @ Perbacco. She doesn't have a single wrinkle.
"Congratulations to 'Benjamin Button' for its 13 oscar nominations. See? Americans do support torture!" -Stephen Colbert
back in marathon training, where every saturday has two starts: up @ 7am to go distance running, and @ 2pm after a recovery nap.
"The act of drinking beer with friends is the highest form of art." -Tom Maroni
Fieldtrip to SFMOMA for inspiration and lunch.
@barackobama: "We should never forget that we are here as public servants, and public service is a privilege."
as an indicator of interest in boxee: since i sent out the meetup link 8 minutes ago, 800 people have already clicked the link.
Boxee meetup @ the Satisfactory on Feb 3 with Avner, the founder (@boxee). Come give him feature and design suggestions!
twitter, your service rocks, but my "suggested users" are a bunch of people i'll never want to follow. why not just use ?
i know this word gets overused, but, truly, that speech was awesome.
pomp! circumstance! this is even better than princess di's wedding.
Sterling 09: "None of this a counsel of despair. We dare not despair because in any real crisis, the pessimists die fast."
On the other hand, I'm sitting near the beach in sunny Ventura, CA with movie directors and suicide girls, so I really can't complain.
Supremely envious of my friends with good seats for the DC festivities. Next immensely historic inaugural event, I'm so totally there.
Day trip by car to LA. Might as well enjoy these last remaining years of massive carbon irresponsibility.
Always impressed by the restrained optimism of the climate change crowd. Only $25 trillion to fix it all!
@ Saul Griffith's Long Now lecture on climate change. It's a little warm in here.
I have no idea! We're driving leaving tomorrow around 7am so be there by 2pm or so.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams sara Marc Hedlund Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai ario Josh Kopelman william Eric Case veen Jason Shellen Chris Baum rae brune Maggie Mason Lori Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca danah boyd sean bonner Matt Jones Manton Reece Chad Thornton erin decker Michael Ferguson derek dukes Ryan Freitas tedr Frank Harris Narendra
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