Today is: January 29th, 2009

United States Congressman John Kline United States Congressman John Kline
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Over the years, the congressional earmarking process has evolved into a corrupt and broken system with no regard for merit. Both political parties share the blame for this wasteful practice that has eroded public confidence in our ability to marshal the nation’s financial resources. Congressman John Kline’s opposition to earmarks stems from disenchantment with a system that in 2007 produced more than 30,000 earmark requests, many for wasteful pork-barrel projects. 
Since January, 2007, Congressman Kline has led the charge in earmark reform and continues to strongly advocate for a one-year moratorium on all earmarks. During these times of economic uncertainty, no amount of economic stimulus will solve our economy’s ills unless we also address the reckless spending problem that is pervasive in Washington.
As the 111th Congress convened in January, 2009, comprehensive earmark reform remains one of Congressman Kline’s top priorities and he will continue to be a leader against wasteful pork-barrel spending.

Ending Wasteful Spending

Kline's Solutions

Additional Resources