Today is: January 29th, 2009
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United States Congressman John Kline United States Congressman John Kline
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Kline: A trillion-dollar borrow-and-spend bill will not bring us back to prosperity

January 28, 2009

WASHINGTON – Congressman John Kline issued the following statement today as the House voted on H.R. 1, a borrow-and-spend bill that is slow moving and full of wasteful government spending:
“A trillion-dollar borrow-and-spend bill will not bring us back to prosperity. This bill creates at least 32 new federal programs at a cost of more than $136 billion. Rather than jumpstarting the economy, this bill saddles our children and grandchildren with more debt and bigger government.
“Bloated government, reckless spending, and a staggering increase in debt are not the immediate and focused solutions America needs. What we need is an economic rescue package that helps American families and small businesses by preserving and creating more jobs in America. Americans should be able to keep more of their hard-earned money – to save, spend, or invest. That would be a true stimulus plan, putting America on a much more direct road to economic recovery.”
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In his fourth term in Congress, Congressman Kline is a member of the House Ethics Committee, the Education and Labor Committee, and the Armed Services Committee.

January 2009 Press Releases