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is back in Hong Kong for the first time in 19 years (I was 16 then). Damn, it is amazing! The one country, two systems thing worked, maybe.
just bought way too may unknown sweets in Singapore's Little India.
is watching the intense monsoon rain from shelter on a little Malaysian island in the South China Sea.
has finally acquired a taste for scotch. i guess it happened a while ago, but now it's official.
is brazenly have drinks with ice cubes in them, against advice. Bacteria of KL, bring it on!
is continuing the tradition of shamefacedly asking check in agents to please make an exception and let me check bag 20 mins before takeoff.
cannot BELIEVE that it is midnight now and I neither went to the gym nor started packing. Goddamn internet.
Just seriously scratched and dented my car in a damn hell ass tight parking maneuver. Possibly instant karma for eating candy.
@dbarefoot that was indeed me. I thought it was you, but then I thought "nah". Go figger.
- Greyston Bakery: "We don't hire people to bake brownies, we bake brownies to hire people."
First time for everything dept: adding a leg to a 7-leg air itinerary results in change fee of: -$121.14. I get the extra flight & the cash!
got shots in both shoulders. Not I have funny-feeling arms. Go on, antibody producing systems, and produce!
was just given great solace -- disproportionate, perhaps -- by reading "the ashes will make the soil richer".
had a business-y day: reviewed financial statements and projections, read an annual report and compared redlined bits of a contract.
is about to try a run as a way to stave off the cold. Unsure about the effectiveness, but I'm willing to give it a try.
finished today's second meal: short ribs braised all day, polenta, cabbage and an '89 Chateau Redortier Gigondas. Really need a hammock.
Fresh trout for brunch, with asparagus, crispy bits of almond, bacon, soft-boiled egg and bagel. Hello belly!
Post korean bbq and soju, OH: "She's like 'Well, he satisfied me sexually.' And im like 'i dont need to know that, I'm your sister.'"
never gets sick of listening to Feed The Animals at the gym. i think the whole album is now in my top 25 most played.
stumbled on to the 19th & Valencia street party. Road blocked off and open container laws temporarily suspended.