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Walking to work down 5th Ave.
OH: Google beat their quarter by killing deer.
@capndesign is the best for bringing us shake shack. yum!
in the 6ANY office
Let's please get this plane in the air so I can watch tonight's lost and then sleeeeeeeeep.
@tiffchow you and me both. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Blogging 'we exist as flaws in ancient glass'
rabbit at rest.
i had forgotten all about 'amnesiac'
@stevenbjohnson congrats on the great review
@jimramsey so very good. just watched the same thing.
blaming overcaffeination on my sugar (the band) overdose this afternoon. teeth grinding in time to judas on beaster.
Blogging 'i really hope someone's working on the screenplay'
@cameo no! haven't tried coca-cola blak. need to! thx!
vanilla coke, cherry coke...why not coffee coke?
@jimramsey oh, sorry jim. didn't mean to send you that.
@daisysf indeed, i believe that is why al gore invented the internets.
Continuing the equation: Tuesday > Monday.
Blogging 'font-family declarations are your new bicycle'


Biz Stone Evan Williams Tim Roberts sara Jason Goldman Eric Case veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca Matt Jones Ryan Freitas Brian Oberkirch Raj Bala Erika Hall Rear Adm. Monteiro bryan mason lane becker joshua schachter judith Cameron Marlow Matt Jacobs Caterina Dinah Sanders Todd Schomer Ben Brown Reid Hoffman Walt Dickinson Meg Hourihan fake mat honan Andre Torrez jeff reine Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Scott Raymond
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