New Visa Rules

January 21, 2009 | 02:12 PM

New Visa Rules Now In Place

Do you have friends or family coming for a visit from outside the United States? If the answer to that question is yes, you may need to inform them about new visa rules that were recently put into place.

More than thirty nations are included in the new program. Those countries include: Andorra, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brunei, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Slovak Republic and South Korea.  Travelers from these countries are allowed to enter the U.S. under the Visa Waiver Program. The Visa Waiver Program allows foreign nationals from certain countries to travel to the United States for business or pleasure, for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa.

Although the Visa Waiver Program is still in place for these countries, an additional level of security is being added with the Electronic System for Travel Authorization. The ESTA program will require travelers to submit travel and contact information 72 hours before leaving for the United States.

The form and additional information about the ESTA program is available online and can be accessed here. Once the form is filled out approval generally takes only 10 seconds and is valid for two years.

Letting your visitors know about these new rules should help reduce at least one of the headaches associated with international travel.

-Peter B. Dorsch

Legislative Correspondent

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Inauguration Tips

January 13, 2009 | 05:18 PM

As inauguration day draws closer, and residents of the 49th district start heading east for this historic day, I thought I might mention a few helpful tips for enjoying your visit to Washington, D.C.

Dress warm- There are few things more miserable than standing outside on a cold day in Washington, D.C. without gloves and a scarf.  As of today weather reports predict the temperature to be no higher than the high 30’s. You can check the forecast for Washington, D.C. by clicking here. And remember, even if it rains, umbrellas are not permitted at inaugural festivities.  See the section below for other restricted items.  

Be patient- The crowd is expected to reach about two million people, but estimates have gone as high as four million. That means you can expect lines everywhere. Security will be extremely tight. Consider bringing your iPod, a book to read, and a bottle of water.

Ditch the car- Many of the streets in Washington and the bridges leading into the city will be closed to through traffic the night before and day of the inauguration. That means your only other options are public transit, riding a bike, or walking into and around the city. It’s difficult to find a parking spot in the city on a regular day. On Inauguration day parking will be virtually nonexistent. Plan accordingly, especially for senior citizens and people with disabilities. Washington, D.C. public transportation information is available here.

Make a choice- According to Washington, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, it will be very difficult to go from the swearing in ceremony to the inaugural parade. You’ll probably have to choose between one of the two. There will, however, be jumbotrons available to view many of the day’s festivities.

Leave it at home- There are a few things you should not bring with you. This includes: firearms (real or simulated),mace or pepper spray, fireworks or other explosives, animals other than service animals, knives, blades or sharp objects, pocket or hand tools such as the “Leatherman.”, and backpacks. Security screeners have the power to prohibit any items that may pose a threat to the security of the event. There are a few other guidelines for specific areas; you can check them out by clicking here.

Have Fun- If you are able to be here for the inauguration, have a great time. Sure it will be cold, crowded and a little inconvenient but it should be very memorable. Don’t forget your camera, you never know what, or who, you’ll see. The official inaugural website, with a lot of useful information, is available here.

Peter B. Dorsch
Legislative Correspondent 
Southern California Transplant living in Washington, D.C.

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Intern in Congressman Issa's Office

January 9, 2009 | 12:10 PM

How many places can a person, let alone a college student gain valuable job skills and get to know some of the people who help write the laws that govern our country at the same time? As a congressional intern you have just that opportunity.

When I first came to Washington DC I never would have guessed how much I enjoyed my time as an intern. I was actually applying the things I had learned in my college classes, attending briefings, doing research and contributing to California. I loved it so much that when I graduated from college I came back.

Each semester interns play an important part in both our Washington DC and Southern California offices.  Applying to be an intern is actually a very easy process.  A cover letter, a 2-3 page writing sample, and a copy of your updated resume is all that is needed to get the process started. (click here for more information on the submittal process)

There are a lot of things to love about being an intern on Capitol Hill, but by far the thing I enjoyed the most, was the variety – you never know what to expect from a day at the office. You might take a message from the Chief Justice, guide a tour of the Capitol Building, chat with a pop star, or attend a dinner where the President speaks. You never know, but you can count on the fact that you’ll have a great experience.

If you have ever considered applying for an internship in Congressman Issa’s office, here is your chance. We are accepting applications for the Spring and Summer months now.

Peter B. Dorsch
Intern Coordinator

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Too Many Requests, Not Enough Tickets

November 17, 2008 | 03:11 PM

Due to overwhelming interest in the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama, we are no longer accepting requests for tickets to the swearing in ceremony. Tickets for the Inaugural Balls and Parade are under the control of the Presidential Inaugural Committee, which has not yet formed.  We will post information from the Committee on this site as it becomes available.

Additional information about the official inaugural ceremonies is available here .

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Rep. Issa Gets Key Endorsements for Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Position

November 13, 2008 | 09:47 AM

Rep. Darrell Issa, a senior member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has picked up key endorsements in his efforts to serve as the Ranking Republican Member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.  The Ranking Member of a Committee is the minority party counterpart of the Committee's Chairman and has a leading role in determining whether Committee efforts will be bipartisan and cooperative or driven by the majority over the minority's objections. 

Senior Committee Members Reps. John Mica and Dan Burton (a former Chairman of the Committee) and Rep, Tom Davis (a former Chairman and the current Ranking Member) have all endorsed Rep. Issa's bid to serve as Ranking Member beginning in January.

You can read the Rep. Burton and Rep. Mica endorsement letter here.

You can read Rep. Davis's letter here.

The Committee's primary responsibility is to find waste, fraud, and abuse in the Federal Government to save taxpayers' money but in the last two years it has also been a forum for controversial political hearings such as the Roger Clemens steroids hearing that go beyond this primary mission of safeguarding taxpayer dollars. 

Rep. Issa has applauded President Elect Obama's pledge to look for and eliminate poorly performing government programs and express a desire to work with him (and remind him of his promise) on this initiative, but has also said that Republicans will have to push back on efforts to enlarge the Federal Government.

Rep. Issa is making great progress toward becoming the next Ranking Republican Member.  Capitol Hill publication National Journal wrote Wednesday:

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., appears close to sewing up the role as ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, with two senior Republicans on the panel backing his bid. In letter to House Republicans, Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., and committee's former chairman, Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., said Issa would help fight the "Democratic agenda" they believe the committee has pursued under Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Henry Waxman. "Often, ranking member Tom Davis took a conciliatory approach with Waxman, deferring to Darrell to be a more forceful voice for committee Republicans," Burton and Issa wrote. "This committee can be an effective tool for helping Republicans retake the majority, and Darrell Issa is the most able to represent our conference," they said. A spokesman said Issa has received "universally positive feedback" from committee members and the Republican Steering Committee. Although seven Oversight and Government Reform Committee Republicans are more senior than Issa, most are focused on other panels and none are challenging Issa, who became frontrunner for the role due to Davis' retirement and the defeat of Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., last week.

The final decision for naming the Ranking Republican Member rests with the Republican Steering Committee, a panel consisting of Republican leadership members as well as other Members designated by regional Congressional delegations (California Republicans have one representative).  While there is no specific date set for a decision, it will almost certainly be made prior to January.

Locally, if Rep. Issa becomes the Ranking Member it could bring more attention to problems with and involving Federal programs in Riverside and San Diego counties.  In the past few years, Rep. Issa's efforts resulted in a hearing in Washington that focused on the Carlsbad Fish & Wildlife office and a hearing in Fallbrook that looked at Federal efforts to combat wildfires.

You can click here to learn more about the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  

Posted by:  Frederick Hill, Press Secretary

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Help for Veterans with Subprime Home Loans

October 28, 2008 | 04:06 PM

Recently passed by Congress, the Veterans' Benefits Improvement Act of 2008 expands refinancing assistance to veterans in home loan distress. 

Under the new law, veterans may qualify to refinance their subprime or conventional mortgage for up to 100% of the value of the property.  The maximum Veterans Administration Home Loan amount has been raised from $144,000 to $697,500 for San Diego County, $500,000 for Riverside County, and $729,750 for Orange County. 

The Veterans Administration's ability to guaranty Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) and Hybrid ARMS has also been extended through September 30, 2012.  The VA offers greater consumer protection than traditional ARMS and hybrid arms as it limits annual and life of the loan interest rate increases.

For more information please visit:  To speak with a VA Loan Specialist, veterans may call toll-free 1-877-827-3702.

Posted by:  Veronica Wong, Legislative Assistant - Veterans Affairs

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Medicare and You

October 16, 2008 | 03:58 PM

Each fall the Centers for Medicare &Medicaid (CMS) publish a new version of the “Medicare & You 2009” handbook.  The handbook contains important information about 2009 Medicare costs, covered services, beneficiary choices, help for those with limited income and resources, and beneficiary rights and protections.

All households with a Medicare recipient should receive a mailed copy within the coming days.

To view online visit:

Posted by:  Veronica Wong, Legislative Assistant - Health Care

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Former FDIC Chairman Offers Alternatives

September 29, 2008 | 11:00 AM

 Members of Congress have had the opportunity over the weekend and today to meet with Former FDIC Chairman William Isaac, who has outlined several regulatory actions that would shore up faltering banks without the huge expenditure of funds in the Bush-Paulson-Pelosi scheme.

Read Mr. Isaac's recommendations here.

Posted by: Dale Neugebauer

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Constituents Writing me About the Bailout

September 26, 2008 | 01:26 PM

Since I announced my decision to oppose the $700 billion Wall Street bailout on Tuesday, I've recieved numerous calls and I-mails (about 1500) on the proposed bailout.  All but a few of those who have contacted my office have expressed outrage and opposition to the proposed bailout.  Here is a sample of messages I recieved.  I appreciate everyone's feedback and I'm going to keep on working to find a good deal for taxpayers -- not a bailout -- to keep our economy on track.

Darrell Issa
Representative Issa,


President Bush needs to understand his position. He does not dictate. He does not make law.


Thank you

Valley Center
Your 9/23 newsletter was very comforting. Keep fighting the good fight against taxpayer bailout of the banks. You may very well take some intense heat from your "colleagues", but just know that my 2 daughters (aged 10 and 12) are very appreciative of what you are attempting to stave off. If we need to suffer a bit in this country to get through this, so be it. The alternative of applying a $1 trillion dollar "band-aid" will only delay and ENSURE a complete collapse of our economy. Thank you for your time.

San Diego
Mr. Issa:

Please vote no on any bailout plant. The solution to problems created by government interference with the economy is NOT more government interference with the economy.

I refuse to be financially resposible for someone elses greed and economic foolishness. I also refuse to vote for anyone who would impose such a burden on me through their policy or congressional vote.


Thank you,, Stand up against this trillion Dollar bailout.. My Wife and I have been married 44 years, got married at 17 never made to many bad discisions have paid off all of our bills and retired with our home at the beach, we are overtaxed now.. how bad will they be after we keep the fat cats in there cushy jobs on walll street, they made the mess let them suffer, Like we had to to grow up.

Thank you

Dear Representative Issa:

Congress is currently debating the Treasury Bailout Plan proposed by Sec. Paulson. It is my opinion that this plan is flawed and must be revised before any decision can be made.

The original proposal made by Secretary Paulson is offensive in its brazen attempt to strong-arm Congress and the American people. I was outraged to read in section 8 of the proposal, that after the funds are dispersed Paulson requests that the use of those funds “may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency” – after unapologetically requesting funds “limited to $700,000,000,000!”

I implore you to prevent Wall Street from taking advantage of the American people. Average Americans are struggling daily to hold on to things that we used to take for granted: a stable job, a modest home, and a college education seem out of reach for many of us – and the news gets worse every day. Tonight the news reported Washington Mutual has been seized by the government and essentially sold for parts JP Morgan Chase.

Representative Issa, please do not support a proposal that would further allow Americans to be taken advantage of by the elites of the corporate world. Any assistance given to Wall Street should be temporary and it should be monitored closely. Companies who benefit from the loans should be charged a competitive interest rate, and a percentage of profits made by companies who accept our loans should be returned to us (in the form of social programs or repayment of our national debt). Additionally, the executives of the debtor companies must not earn salaries greater than that of our nation’s executive – the President.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and for all of your hard work. Please contact me with a response at    .


Dear Mr. Issa,
Thank you for all of your efforts in standing against the bailout plan. It is obvious to all now that this plan was poorly thought out and rushed to the floor. I am 45 and a husband and father of 4. I am outraged and apalled at the arrogance of my President and the lack of regard for what is right. I voted for you and I am glad I did. I heard you today on the Rick Roberts show and I was cheering you while I was driving and listening. Thank you Sir, Thank you so much for listening to us and performing your job with honor and integrity. I stand with you and I will always support you.


As a Democrat (and Obama supporter), I have read and was pleasantly surprised to find that I COMPLETELY support your position on the bailout. Please fight to keep us responsible taxpayers from having to bear the burdens of the irresponsible behaviors of others.

Thank you!!!


Just want to thank you again for standing strong for free market principles regarding the bail out they're trying to push on us. Paulson is wrong. The Dems are shameful for misrepresenting honest disent as partisan politics. Thank you for standing up for us little people. I live in a 1962 house that I can afford. I don't want to pay for the rest of these people who acted irresponsibly. I'll take my chances in the free market.


Since the bail out seems to be a foregone conclusion, please ensure that the government obtains equity ownership in the banks that it has decided to "bail out." Similar to the AIG agreement. Thanks for your service.


I saw you on Fox discussing the "bailout" plan. I appreciate you looking out for the interest of all tax payers and not just sending money to these financial institutions. Thank you from me, my children, and their children.

By the way, two summers ago your office sponsored a group from Temecula Middle School to visit your office and tour the capital in DC. Thank you that too. Your staff was great!


Dear Congressman Issa,

I feel that it is my duty as a mother to send out a notice of my concern regarding the recent "700 billion dollar Bail Out Package" proposed by President Bush. I am terrified to think of the implications this will have on our children and our future. While we are a very middle class family, hard working, and honest- not to mention tax payers... I am completely devastated to think of the power that will be stripped of all of us should this be passed in congress.

I am not an expert on the ins and outs of the countries delicate financial balance- but this I do know, many people are richer because they took advantage of people's hopes and dreams and now our nation is faced with helping those people retain their jobs and steady incomes while the rest of us literally pay for their mistakes. This makes me sick because of the blatant immorality this proposed "Bail Out" carries with it. I would hope that people look closely and do indeed take time to seriously think this through. I am sickened that President Bush and the media are making this out to be a "most urgent matter" that must be dealt with before the end of this weekend. We are in no position to have fear tactics thrown at us in order for a decision to be forced upon us. Please take this into careful consideration. My husband and I will continue working, paying our rent and dreaming big dreams for our daughter and her future. You just keep your heads on straight and hold true to your integrity and what is right. And... we will keep paying our taxes.

With sincere truth and a clear conscience,


THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for opposing the current buyout! I'm super pleased with your work as a whole. I hope you get letters like this a lot!


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An Open Letter to Speaker Pelosi on Energy

August 4, 2008 | 04:34 PM

On Friday August 1, 2008, at 11:23 a.m., your Democrat majority in the House of Representatives adjourned the House for five full weeks.
House Republicans believe that Congress should not go on vacation until we take action to lower gas and energy prices for struggling American families.
For the last two months we and our House Republican colleagues have used every tool at our disposal to try and get you and your Democrat majority to vote on legislation to lower gas and energy prices by expanding environmentally sound domestic production of oil and natural gas, improving energy efficiency, and encouraging the development of alternative energy technologies.
Many of the proposals we have asked you and your Democrat majority to allow us to vote on are bipartisan proposals that we believe would enjoy the support of a majority of the Members of the Congress. Yet because you and your Democrat Leadership personally oppose these proposals, you are not allowing them to come up for a vote.  This past Sunday, you even told George Stephanopoulos that you will never allow this vote to occur (see transcript on the reverse).
In protest of you and your Democrat majority not allowing an up or down vote on producing more American energy, we and our House Republican colleagues were prepared to take to the floor on Friday, August 1, 2008, and speak to the nation. Rather than allowing that to happen you and your Democrat majority adjourned the House, turned off the television cameras, shut off the microphones and turned out the lights. Nearly 50 House Republicans remained on the floor of the House in defiance speaking to those citizens gathered in the galleries and to the media.
Today we have again returned to the Capitol to continue speaking to the thousands of Americans from all across our country who are visiting the Capitol. We would have preferred if instead we were joined by our colleagues to have a true debate on this issue that ended in an up or down vote. 
We think it is unconscionable that Congress has gone on vacation before we have addressed the high gas prices that are crippling our economy and hurting millions of families.  We are asking that you reconvene the House from your five-week vacation and schedule a vote on legislation to increase American energy production. Let us be clear, we are not asking for a guaranteed outcome, just the chance to vote.

Signed by: John Boehner, Republican Leader; Roy Blunt, Republican Whip; Adam Putnam, Republican Conference Chairman; Eric Cantor, Chief Deputy Whip; and Members of the House Republican Conference

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