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For Immediate Release
Monday, December 29, 2008

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

The Fort Report Column

Considering Adoption

A Nebraska family recently told me about an orphaned African child they were trying to adopt.  The child was living in an orphanage in Uganda, his biological parents were dying of AIDS, and he had no one else left.  This heartbreaking story moved the Nebraska family to act, start the process of adopting the child, and change his life forever by providing a good home.

In order for this adoption to happen, the family had to go through a complicated process involving an approval of an immigrant visa petition for the child by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).  They also needed to work through the U.S. State Department to issue the visa.  My office was able to provide some help navigating the process and communicating with the federal agencies that had something to do with the outcome.

Although this process can be long and difficult, some Nebraskans have had similar adoption experiences and many have chosen adoption as a loving way to add to their families and provide nurturing environments for children in difficult circumstances. Every child should have the opportunity to grow with the support and guidance of a loving family.  Strong and caring families strengthen our communities and, ultimately, make our nation stronger.

Our government recognizes the value of adoption to American families and communities. Last month was National Adoption Month, and to help facilitate international adoption the U.S. State Department launched a new website,  The site provides step-by-step instruction for adopting a child from another country, a forum for adoptive parents to learn about the process and share experiences, as well as country-specific information.  The website also gives information on eligibility for adoption and numerous other helpful resources to complete the adoption process successfully.

If you are considering an international adoption, I encourage you to review these resources.  Please also know that my office is always available to provide assistance, should you encounter any difficulties during the process.


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