Title 32--National Defense

(This index contains parts 1 to 190)

Subtitle A--Department of Defense


1 [Reserved]
2 Pilot program policy
3 Transactions other than contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements for prototype projects
4-20 [Reserved]
21 DoD grants and agreements--General matters
22 DoD grants and agreements--Award and administration
25 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement) and governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (grants)
28 New restrictions on lobbying
32 Administrative requirements for grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations
33 Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments
34 Administrative requirements for grants and agreements with for-profit organizations
40 Standards of conduct cross-references
42 Interception of wire and oral communications for law enforcement purposes
43 Personal commercial solicitation on DoD installations
44 Screening the Ready Reserve
45 Certificate of release or discharge from active duty (DD Form 214/5 Series)
46 Federal voting assistance program
47 Active duty service for civilian or contractual groups
48 Retired serviceman's family protection plan
51 The Department of Defense Military Equal Opportunity Program
53 Wearing of the uniform
54 Allotments for child and spousal support
55 Physical examinations and annual certificates of physical condition
56 Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs and activities assisted or conducted by the Department of Defense
57 Provision of early intervention and special education services to eligible DoD dependents in overseas areas
58 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1)
59 Voluntary military pay allotments
61 Medical malpractice claims against military and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces
62 Alcohol and drug abuse by DoD personnel
62b Drunk and drugged driving by DoD personnel
63 Former spouse payments from retired pay
64 Management and mobilization of regular and reserve retired military members
65 Accession of chaplains for the military services
67 Educational requirements for appointment of reserve component officers to a grade above first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade)
68 Provision of free public education for eligible children pursuant to section 6, Public Law 81-874
69 School boards for Department of Defense domestic dependent elementary and secondary schools
70 Discharge review board (DRB) procedures and standards
71 Eligibility requirements for education of minor dependents in overseas areas
72 Voluntary education programs in overseas areas
73 Training simulators and devices
74 Appointment of doctors of osteopathy as medical officers
75 Conscientious objectors
76 Mobilization of the Ready Reserve
77 Program to encourage public and community service
78 Voluntary State tax withholding from retired pay
79 Contributions to State retirement programs for National Guard technicians
80 Provision of early intervention services to eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families, and special education children with disabilities within the section 6 school arrangements
81 Paternity claims and adoption proceedings involving members and former members of the Armed Forces
85 Health promotion
86 Criminal history background checks on individuals in child care services
88 Transition assistance for military personnel
89 Civilian pay allotments
93 Acceptance of service of process; release of official information in litigation; and testimony by NSA personnel as witnesses
94 Naturalization of aliens serving in the Armed Forces of the United States and of alien spouses and/or alien adopted children of military and civilian personnel ordered overseas
96 Acquisition and use of criminal history record information by the military services
97 Release of official information in litigation and testimony by DoD personnel as witnesses
98 Defense hotline program
99 Procedures for States and localities to request indemnification
100 Unsatisfactory performance of ready reserve obligation
101 Participation in Reserve training programs
102 Uniform Reserve, training and retirement categories
103 Enlistment, appointment, and assignment of individuals in Reserve components
104 Civilian employment and reemployment rights of applicants for, and Service members and former Service members of the Uniformed Services
105 Employment and volunteer work of spouses of military personnel
107 Personal services authority for direct health care providers
110 Standardized rates of subsistence allowance and commutation instead of uniforms for members of the Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps
111 Reserve Officers' Training Corps program for secondary educational institutions
112 Indebtedness of military personnel
113 Indebtedness procedures of military personnel
114 Reserve components common personnel data system (RCCPDS)
115 Assignment to and transfer between Reserve categories, and discharge from Reserve status
132 Initial active duty for training in Reserve components
142 Copyrighted sound and video recordings
143 DoD policy on organizations that seek to represent or organize members of the Armed Forces in negotiation or collective bargaining
144 Service by members of the Armed Forces on State and local juries
145 Cooperation with the Office of Special Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board
146 Compliance of DoD members, employees, and family members outside the United States with court orders
147 Adjudicative guidelines for determining eligibility for access to classified information
148 National policy and implementation of reciprocity of facilities
149 Policy on technical surveillance countermeasures
150 Courts of criminal appeals rules of practice and procedure
151 Status of forces policies and information
152 Review of the manual for courts-martial
154 Department of Defense personnel security program regulation
155 Defense industrial personnel security clearance program
156 Department of Defense personnel security program (DoDPSP)
157 Dissemination of DoD technical information
158 Guidelines for systematic declassification review of classified information in permanently valuable DoD records
159 DoD information security program
159a Information security program regulation
160 Defense acquisition regulatory system
162 Productivity Enhancing Capital Investment (PECI)
165 Recoupment of nonrecurring costs on sales of U.S. items
168a National defense science and engineering graduate fellowships
169 Commercial activities program
169a Commercial activities program procedures
171 Implementation of Wildfire Suppression Aircraft Transfer Act of 1996
172 Disposition of proceeds from DoD sales of surplus personal property
173 Competitive information certificate and profit reduction clause
174 Revitalizing base closure communities
175 Revitalizing base closure communities--Base closure community assistance
176 Revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance--Community redevelopment and homeless assistance
185 Military support to civil authorities (MSCA)
186 The DoD Explosives Safety Board
187 Environmental effects abroad of major Department of Defense actions
188 Environmental effects in the United States of DoD actions
189 Mineral exploration and extraction on DoD lands
190 Natural Resources Management Program

