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Appendix D: Sample Selective Housing Agreement PDF Print E-mail
Written on Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 December 2008

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Appendix D: Sample Selective Housing Agreement
Sample Agreement
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Below is a sample of a selective housing agreement your depository library may use when a portion of its current or retrospective collection is transferred to another library, institution, or agency through an arrangement called shared or selective housing. A formal agreement between the parties MUST be signed if the host site is not under the administrative purview of the depository offering the material for selective housing. A copy of this agreement MUST also be filed with LSCM. For more information about selective housing agreement, see chapter 9 in this Handbook.

Sample Agreement

Agreement for Selective Housing of U.S. Government publications distributed through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)

This agreement is made on (date) by and between (Lending) Library and (Receiving) Library. This agreement is entered into for the purpose of: (specify). The publications are lent for (specify time) but remain the property of the U.S. Government Printing Office under the control of (lending) Library.

In pursuance of this agreement, the (Receiving) Library agrees to:

Assign the responsibility for carrying out the provisions of this agreement for the U.S. Government publications deposited or loaned by (Lending) library to the (Reference, Medical, etc.) Librarian of the (Receiving) library.

Make available for free and unrestricted use all U.S. Government publications to the general public. Lend to (Lending) Library any U.S. Government publication that is selectively housed for a period up to (specify length of time).

Maintain all U.S. Government publications selectively housed in compliance with Title 44, United States Code, the Federal Depository Library Handbook, and etc.

Inventory, identify, and maintain a public record of the U.S. Government publications selectively housed under this agreement.

Retain any classification numbers, stamps, and notes as supplied by (Lending) Library.

Return to (Lending) Library all U.S. Government publications which were selectively housed and which are no longer considered useful.

Replace any lost publication.

(Lending) Library agrees to:

Transfer and continue to send publications which include, but are not limited to (specify publications of agencies, series, subjects, etc.) to (Receiving) Library.

Keep records indicating the location of publications involved in this agreement.

Abide by any borrowing agreement made with (Receiving) Library.

Provide selection lists and surveys and assist the (Receiving) Library with development of the collection. Accept all publications upon termination of this agreement.

This agreement may be terminated by written notice from either party (specify) days in advance before all publications are returned to (Lending) Library.

(Lending) Library Library Director: (signature)(date)

(Receiving) Library Director: (signature)(date)

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