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@superphly are you still meeting up for lunch downtown?
@digiworks twhirl doesn't post to your blog but twitter will do this using a wordpress plugin (there are many); are you using wordpress?
@maxineappleby thanks for the heads up on the new twhirl, I'll give it a whirl. Fast is good!
rt semanticwill "Social Network Sites and Society: Current Trends & Future Possibilities," p.6 - must read!!
@MechaDan having same issue with gmail, it just hangs and hangs
installing Windows 7 Build 7000 over Vista Business... took all of last night but results good this morning
watching ... dvorak, leo and Kirsten Santord of
working on - I help her with web stuff and she helps me do video interviews
Building open source sites using mediawiki, drupal, wordpress, and pligg (like digg) for designer Austin meetup collaboration site
@BillAlexander ok thanks... did I fix it right, if not send me another email.
Everyone said Obama would call for a "new era of responsibility" and he did.
take a picture at the moment of the swearing in wherever you are and email it to and I'll make a photogallery of it
just one of the onlookers to history, most watched tv show ever
@JustiPhoneBlog conjunctured is at 1308 e 7th austin
rolling over to Austin Wordpress Users meetup at Conjunctured later (7 pm)
@flutesUD needs those, site rollout coming soon, social network for Austin, TX
CNN, we'll be watching your to see if photosynth can scale to millions of photos, if works awesome @poopstech @dane
@cnystrom fixed the login, thanks for letting me know it was busted
@tomthedog als is a social network for Austin, TX Why? we need your input and ideas?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams rabble kellan Sarah Milstein Dunstan Philip Kaplan Steve Jenson Tom Nic Werner Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell mai Robert Johnston Mike Champion veen Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen Chris Baum Jerry Michalski Buzz Andersen Noah Scott Fegette Rod Begbie Robb M. Wayne Sutton Eric Alba Mac Steve Brad Barrish Beau Mack D. Male Om Malik kareem
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