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Vote on Fiscal Year 2008 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Related Agencies Appropriations Act - VOTED YEA
On September 12, Senator Dorgan voted in favor of the Fiscal Year 2008 Transportation-HUD Appropriations Act, which passed the Senate by a vote of 88-7. The bill includes more than $8 million in federal funding secured by Senator Dorgan to improve transportation infrastructure and encourage economic development in North Dakota. The bill also directs about $200 million for maintenance of North Dakota's highways, and reverses cuts proposed by the President that would have jeopardized rail and air service to the state.

Vote on Dorgan Amendment to Increase Funding for Tribal College Infrastructure - VOTED YEA
On September 12, Senator Dorgan voted in favor of his amendment to nearly double funding to $5 million to the Tribal Colleges and Universities Program. Through the program, tribal colleges and universities receive funding on a competitive basis to improve their facilities and help expand the role of the schools in their communities. Dorgan's amendment was added to the Fiscal Year 2008 Transportation-HUD Appropriations Act.

Vote on Coburn's Amendment to Strip Funding for International Peace Garden - VOTED NAY
On September 12, Senator Dorgan opposed Senator Tom Coburn's (R-OK) amendment to strip funding for the International Peace Garden from the from the Fiscal Year 2008 Transportation-HUD Appropriations Act. Earlier this year, Senator Dorgan and Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) authored a provision to include $450,000 to maintain the grounds and make repairs to the historic memorial. The memorial near Bottineau, North Dakota serves as symbol of international cooperation with Canada and in remembrance of 9/11. The Senate blocked Coburn's attempt by a vote of 63-32.

Vote on Dorgan Amendment on Mexican Trucks Pilot Program - VOTED YEA
On September 11, Senator Dorgan voted in favor of his amendment to prohibit the establishment of a program that allows Mexican truck drivers to operate beyond the commercial zones near the Mexican border. The Senate passed the amendment by a vote of 75-23.

Vote on Amendment to Ensure Bridge Safety - VOTED YEA
On September 10, Senator Dorgan voted in favor of an amendment to give boost to the effort to ensure bridges in North Dakota and across the country are in good shape. The amendment was added to the Fiscal Year 2008 Transportation-HUD Appropriations Act and passed the Senate by a vote of 60-33.

Vote on College Cost Reduction Act of 2007 - VOTED YEA
On September 7, Senator Dorgan voted in favor of the College Cost Reduction Act of 2007, H.R. 2669 conference report, which will direct more financial aid to students - bringing college within reach and opening doors for middle-class families in North Dakota and across the nation. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 79-12.

Vote on Fiscal Year 2008 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act - VOTED YEA
On September 6, Senator Dorgan voted in favor of the Fiscal Year 2008 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, H.R. 2642. The bill includes nearly $66 million in federal funding secured by Senator Dorgan to strengthen North Dakota's military bases and missions. The bill demonstrates Congress' strong support for our nation's military, directing more funding to programs that ensure our troops are supported by strong infrastructure and have the health care they need when they leave military service. The Senate passed the bill 92-1.