(March 29, 2007) Lipinski Supports Responsible Budget with Right Priorities for America's Families PDF  | Print |


Lipinski Supports Responsible Budget with the Right Priorities for America's Families


WASHINGTON, DC- Today, Congressman Dan Lipinski voted to approve the 2008 budget which will restore fiscal responsibility and accountability, strengthen our national defense, care for our veterans, and invest in our children.


"This budget reflects our commitment to this nation's principles of strength, growth, and opportunity - to fully fund our national defense, continue improvements to our nation 's infrastructure, and help ease the burdens on America's working families," said Representative Lipinski.


This budget provides for the largest veterans' budget increase in American history, $3.5 billion more than the President's budget.  "These additional resources are needed to ensure that our nation's veterans receive care worthy of their sacrifice," stated Lipinski.  "This includes the 55,000 brave Illinoisans who have served their country in Afghanistan and Iraq since September 2001, many of whom will need VA health care services."


Additionally, the Budget provides increasing funding for State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), supplying much needed help to the 385,610 Illinois children who are currently without health insurance.  ""Increasing funds to SCHIP is the right thing to do," said Lipinski.  "Covering kids is one of the most cost-effective, worthwhile investments we can make as a nation."


Lipinski, a new member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, also commended the inclusion of full funding for programs financed by the Highway and Aviation Trust Funds.  "All too often, critical infrastructure investments are shortchanged due to the need to finance day-to-day operations," said Lipinski. "This budget does not make that mistake."


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