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Floridians' top concerns: retirement, health care, jobs

Posted by Bill Nelson l January 29, 2009

Floridians' Economic Worries


I want to thank all of you who took a moment to share your concerns about the economy via our first e-survey. It’s clear your three chief concerns are loss of retirement income, affordable health care and job stability.

I am going to use your input to help make the case to my colleagues in the Senate that when we address the nation’s economic woes, we must extend unemployment benefits and include provisions to help cover health insurance costs for those struggling to find work.

Meantime, here are a few ways I’ve been trying to help those who are finding themselves at the mercy of this economy.

I helped draft the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This will expand the scope of Medicaid funding and improve access to health care. This bill has great potential to help Floridians in need of assistance, because it focuses on states, like Florida, who need the most support.

Florida’s drastic rise in unemployment deserves immediate attention and swift action. The Senate’s stimulus package will provide jobs that lay a foundation for a clean-energy future. It also has special provisions that will help homeowners who are facing foreclosure.

I’m also working to ensure that your tax money is used not to perpetuate the problems at hand, but to put an end to them. I’m pushing legislation that would help protect your retirement money, and calls for transparency of spending. Like you, I believe we deserve to know exactly how our tax money is spent.

Your participation in our survey is greatly appreciated. All told, we heard from 42,881 of you. If we continue to work together, I feel confident that we can rebuild our economy and help the people who need it most in these difficult times.

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A moment in time

Posted by Bill Nelson l January 22, 2009
Barack Obama’s inauguration was an historic moment for our nation. I will never forget looking out across the National Mall, and taking in a view such as I’d never seen before: a seemingly endless sea of people. It was truly an indescribable feeling to see so many people from all walks of life coming together in support of our country’s values and ideals. And in homes and shops across the nation, people huddled around TV screens, and cheered for the beginning of a new era. I found President Obama’s speech uplifting and hopeful; and, I believe those same feelings resonated among the tens of millions of people watching.

In his pre-inaugural address at the Lincoln Memorial, President Obama had asked that we try to see ourselves in each other. This idea of unity was noticeable throughout the week, and the feeling in our nation’s capital reflected his words. Alone, it is hard to fix an entire nation. Together, it has become clear that WE CAN!

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Final decision on Mayport

Posted by Bill Nelson l January 14, 2009
I just got some good news, not just for the state of Florida, but our national security. The Secretary of the Navy has just signed off on homeporting a nuclear carrier at Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville. This will spread out our Atlantic-based nuclear carriers, instead of keeping them all at just one base. Keeping all the carriers in just one port is too great a risk. You can listen to my full remarks on the homeporting of Mayport.

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Fixing the oil market

Posted by Bill Nelson l January 13, 2009
The outrage that many of us were feeling at having to pay an arm and a leg to fill our tank has mostly subsided with falling oil prices. But there is nothing to stop such a run up in prices from happening again.

Especially since Wall Street speculators, not supply and demand, control the price of oil. If you didn’t believe this before, you will after seeing this 60 Minutes piece on oil prices increasing as supply was going up and demand going down. It ran this past Sunday, and is a great commentary on how we ended up paying $4 or more for a gallon gasoline.



Today, I’m reintroducing my bill to end the unregulated speculative trading of oil. While we can be happy gas prices are low now, we must fix the system that allowed investors to artificially inflate prices.


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BC-YES! The thrill of victory

Posted by Bill Nelson l January 9, 2009
In the bigger picture, why should we get excited about a college football game like the BCS Championship?

Well, for one, the game between the Florida Gators and Oklahoma Sooners showed us team spirit is still very much alive and well in this country, despite the many challenges we face.

As a bracelet quarterback Tim Tebow wears says:  "Never Let Your Teammates Down." 

And right after the Gators won their second national football championship in three years, Florida offensive star Percy Harvin beamed, "There's no better feeling."

Agreed.  It’s GREAT to BE  A Florida Gator !

For the entire Gator Nation, the 24-14 victory over the Sooners was one of those “Master Card” priceless moments.

But I’ll also never forget the expressionless face of the Sooners’ coach after Florida took the game after Tebow dunk-passed for that final touchdown.  It was a nail-biter up until then.  Congratulations to both Florida and Oklahoma for a game well played.

Needless to say, I’m now looking forward to hearing from Oklahoma’s Sen. Tom Coburn – literally.

If you want to hear more about my thoughts on the Gator victory, check out an interview I did on a Miami Radio show.
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Economic boost a top priority

Posted by Bill Nelson l January 6, 2009
TV and newspaper headlines tell the story:

"Obama pushes stimulus plan," says CBS.

"Obama said to favor $775 billion for stimulus plan," says the BBC.

And, says the Associated Press, "Obama stimulus plan boosts business tax refunds."

Indeed, as Congress convenes in the New Year, fixing the ailing American economy will be the top priority of lawmakers and the new president.

As a member of key Senate panels, I'll be working closely with the White House on an economic stimulus package that hopefully will include funding to address a number of the requests from Florida's governor and the state's mayors, such as for roads, bridges and even development of new solar and wind energy technologies.

I'm also going to fight to make sure any financial package contains a boost in unemployment benefits and help for homeowners facing foreclosure. The current financial crisis started with a massive housing bubble that burst and left millions of homeowners facing default on their mortgages. We have to fix the root cause of the problem.

As I did in the last two sessions of Congress, I'll keep pushing to end our dependence on foreign oil, while fighting those who falsely promise cheap gas from putting oil rigs off of Florida's beaches. I cannot support a greedy and cruel deceit that would threaten our state's $65-billion tourism driven economy.

And, here are some other initiatives I plan to pursue in the coming months:
  • Reforming the way we hold presidential elections by abolishing the Electoral College and establishing a system of rotating presidential primaries. We don't ever want a repeat of the 2000 election.
  • Moving the nation closer to creating a national disaster fund for states at risk from hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, drought and flooding.
  • Getting restoration of America's Everglades back on track. Eight years ago, we created a plan to revive the River of Grass.  It's time to start turning the dirt on overdue projects.
My to-do list for this year also will include legislation to ban unregulated speculative trading of oil futures and other energy commodities - as a major way to curb unchecked run-ups in crude oil and gasoline prices like those that occurred after Congress deregulated electronic trading of energy futures in late 2000.

I'll also be advocating on behalf of the nation's space program.

Of course, there are huge benefits economically for Florida. But there is another reason we undertake the risk and invest in space exploration.

It's not only to pursue science, or to test technology, or to develop a high-tech workforce, or even to extend human civilization. We do it because it's in our nature.

It's been said that there are two fundamental differences between humans and other species. We have souls. And we are curious.

It's also been said that the exploration of space is a testament to these differences. Curiosity drives us to explore. And our soul gives meaning to this endeavor. This I believe.

I also believe that despite the many serious challenges facing America this is going to be a great year; and, I'm looking forward to all we are going to accomplish.

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