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Welcoming and Honoring Monsignor O'Keefe

Click here for the Video of the Speech


Mr. Speaker, it's my pleasure today to welcome Monsignor O'Keefe as our guest chaplin.

Monsignor O'Keefe has been tending to the spiritual and human needs of people in Arizona for over 40 years, of which the last 30 has been in Yuma, Arizona. It is fitting that he provides today's blessing as we also memorialize the passing of Congressman Lantos, a great champion of human rights.

Monsignor O'Keefe is highly respected in Yuma and all of Arizona for the work he does on behalf of human rights, civil rights, and advocating for the underrepresented in our community. He is an active member of the community, encouraging community leaders to take responsibility for social justice, recruiting young and old to engage in civic participation. His experience and passion has led him to be a founder of the Yuma Interfaith Organizing Committee.

I am honored to work with him, and receive spiritual and community guidance from him. He is a source of strength for all of us who interact with him.

Mr. speaker, I welcome my friend, Monsignor O'Keefe, to the House of Representatives, and I yield back.