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Honoring Senior Border Patrol Agent Luis A. Aguilar

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Thank you, Mr. Speaker. and thank you, Mr. Chairman, for yielding time. And let me also thank Congresswoman Lofgren for the very important resolution, 954, that she introduced.

I rise in support of that resolution -- House Resolution 954 -- and to honor the life of Senior Border Patrol Agent Luis A. Aguilar, who lost his life in the line of duty near Yuma, Arizona, on January 19th of this year. He lost his life on a border filled with dangers for agents who confront organized drug and people smugglers on a daily basis, smugglers who are prepared to go to great and dangerous lengths to protect their profit and to protect the illegal activities they are conducting on the border.

First, let me give my condolences to Mr. Aguilar's family who gave the ultimate sacrifice. His wife, son and daughter who have lost an american hero.

I'm proud to say that Agent Aguilar lived in Somerton, Arizona. He was originally from El Paso, Texas, but was raising his family in the district that I have the privilege to represent in this Congress.

His life was devoted to this country, as he served in the U.S. Border Patrol for more than five years. He protected this country and enforced its laws. For his wife, children, and family, he provided them with a great foundation. He was a devoted family man, actively involved in the lives of his children and his family, making sure that his family was first. Community members could always count on him being there cheering on his children and others' children. He will be remembered as a quiet yet strong man who always had a smile on his face for his friends and family.

Mr. Speaker, we may disagree on the nature, the content, and the future of an immigration policy for this nation, but there is no disagreement on the bravery and value of the men and women who carry out this policy for us. In honoring Luis Aguilar and his family, we honor all of them and respect them all.

I urge my colleagues to support House Resolution 954 in memory of Luis Aguilar and in gratitude for his service and the service of his colleagues in the Border Patrol.