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  Hon. Todd Akin
  117 Cannon House Office Bldg.
  Washington, D.C. 20515

  (202) 225-2561
  (202) 225-2563 (fax)

  St. Louis Office
  301 Sovereign Court, Suite 201
  St. Louis, MO. 63011

  (314)-590-0037 (fax)

  St. Charles Office
  820 S. Main, Suite 206
  St. Charles, MO. 63301

  (636)-949-3832 (fax)


Border Security

Border security is a critical part of our national security. Currently, our system of border security is inadequate and our laws are not being enforced. That is why I have supported legislation to secure the borders of the United States with the latest technology, increased security personnel, and policy support for our nation's border guards.

While the Department of Homeland Security has moved to implement some of these ideas, much of our border remains unprotected. Our borders must be secured immediately.


In 1986, an amnesty plan was passed by Congress and implemented with a promise that the Congress would then secure our borders. The borders were not secured and amnesty only resulted in a larger flood of illegal immigration into our nation. Thus, amnesty of any kind will not work as a solution to the illegal immigration problem. We must not reward the very behavior we wish to curtail. Instead, immigration laws should be modernized and strengthened, while laws and policies that set the terms of entry to the United States must be updated regarding:

  • A thorough background check of visa applicants
  • A positive verification of all visitor's identity
  • Confirmation of the purpose of entry
  • Verification and follow-up of the length of stay
  • Tamper proof ID for visas
  • Employer ID verification system

A True Temporary Guest Worker Program

While our national interest may be served by having the availability of guest workers, a new visa program is not necessary. The H2-B visa for seasonal workers will allow temporary workers to fill employment vacancies for a season. Once that season is over, these workers must return to their home country.

In compliance with federal labor laws many Missouri employers advertise for seasonal workers. When they come up short with a sufficient number of U.S. citizen applicants for work, then the federal law allows employers to hire foreign temporary workers. In this instance the employer may then bring temporary workers into the country for the season.

The H2-B program is supposed to verify the identity and background of the visa applicants and track them while in the country with real employer sanctions and accountability. By law, these workers are only to work for the U.S. citizen employer who sponsors their entry into the country. The workers are not allowed to move job to job. However, a significant number of workers overstay their visas in violation of our laws. These people must be given an opportunity to come into compliance with our laws or be deported.

Our nation's H2-B system is not broken, but the laws governing the H2-B system need to be enforced.

That is why I am actively working to improve the H2-B visa system and encourage the Bush Administration to enforce its provisions.