August 23, 2007: Congressman Tim Ryan Congratulates Turning Technologies for Recent Honor


Accolade from Inc. Magazine cites a 3,907% increase in revenue over a three-year period  


Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Tim Ryan congratulated Turning Technologies for being named America’s fastest growing privately held software company by Inc. magazine. The announcement comes only a few weeks after Entrepreneur magazine named the company the 7th fastest growing firm in the nation.  

“This is great news and another sign that our community has turned a corner,” said Congressman Tim Ryan. “Turning Technologies is a good local company that is committed to the valley and part of an exciting renaissance for our community. Its success benefits all of us.”  


With revenues of $20.6 million and a three year growth rate of 3,907.9 percent, Turning Technologies was 18th overall on the Inc. 500, Inc.’s annual list of the fastest growing privately held companies. The list this year was expanded to include the top 5000 firms in the nation.

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