
CongressmanMike Coffman

Congressman Mike Coffman is a Coloradan dedicated to serving the people of the Centennial State and the nation. Mike began his distinguished career of public service at a young age. At age 17, after finishing his junior year at Aurora Central High School, Congressman Coffman enlisted in the U.S. Army. Through the Army he earned his high school diploma and eventually attended the University of Colorado under the G.I. Bill. As a student at the University of Colorado, Congressman Coffman continued his military service as a member of the U.S. Army Reserve.   

Congressman Coffman graduated from the University of Colorado in 1979 and transferred from the Army Reserve to the U.S. Marine Corps where he served on active duty as an infantry officer until 1983. After serving on active duty Mike continued his dedication to our national security as a member of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. Following his active military duty, Mike returned to Colorado and applied the skills he learned as a Marine to the business world. He founded a successful property management firm and acted as the senior shareholder of his business for nearly two decades.

As a Marine and a small businessman, Mike saw a need to bring more common sense to Colorado politics. He ran for, and was elected to, the Colorado House of Representatives in 1988 and 1990. Soon after his 1990 reelection, Mike took an unpaid leave of absence from the Colorado State House to return to active duty during the first Gulf War. During this time he served as a light armored infantry officer where he saw combat. 

In 1994, after returning from Iraq, Mike continued his service to the people of Colorado to serve in the State Senate and later as State Treasurer. Mike resigned his position as Colorado State Treasurer in 2005 to return to active military duty to serve in Iraq. Congressman Coffman went to Iraq with the Marines and worked to support the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq, helping ensure the voting rights of Iraqi citizens in democratic elections. He also helped establish interim local governments in the Western Euphrates River. Mike completed his full tour of duty in Iraq in 2006 and returned to Colorado where he continued his role as the State Treasurer. Later in 2006, Mike was elected to the office of Secretary of State where he served until 2008.  

Congressman Coffman is honored to serve on the House Armed Services Committee, where he will bring a vast amount of experience and knowledge with his military background. He also serves on the House Natural Resources Committee, working on behalf of Colorado citizens on  water and energy issues.

Mike and his wife Cynthia are members of University Park United Methodist Church. Mrs. Coffman was Governor Bill Owens' Chief Counsel prior to being the Chief Deputy Attorney General for the State of Colorado.


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