Coffman Cosponsors Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act

Says pay raise is irresponsible during economic crisis
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – As his first official act as a United States Congressman, Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colorado) today added his name to the “Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act.” If passed, the legislation would forgo the $4,700 pay raise granted to Congressional Members in 2010.
“During these tough economic times, it’s important for Congress to show leadership,” Coffman said. “That includes declining a significant Congressional pay raise.”
Since 1989, Congress automatically receives a pay raise every January unless they vote specifically to reject it. According to The Hill newspaper, rejecting the Congressional pay raise would save the U.S. taxpayers approximately $2.5 million.
“While many people across the country are losing their jobs, it just shows how out of touch so many members of Congress are in voting themselves a pay raise,” Coffman concluded. “Congress should respect the tough times that so many Americans are experiencing by voting against this pay raise.”
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