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NEWS from Hearing to receive the legislative priorities of the AMVETS, American Ex-Prisoners of War, Vietnam Veterans of America, The Retired Officers Association, National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs

 Statement of Honorable Christopher Smith

Witness List and Statements

National Commander William Schmidt, left, reads the inscription of the American Ex-Prisoners of War Annual Barbed Wire Award presented to VA Committee Ranking Democrat Lane Evans (D-IL). At right, Chairman Chris Smith (R-NJ) chats with Schmidt's predecessor, Zack Roberts of Mountainside, New Jersey. Below, National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs Vice President Ray Boland testifies, flanked by Historian Jack Stephens, left, and Past President Antonio Davila.

National Commander Schmidt, left, was introduced by Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH). Colonel Robert F. Norton, USA (Ret.), Deputy Director of Government Relations, represented The Retired Officers Association (TROA).   
George C. Duggins, far left, National President of Vietnam Veterans of America, was introduced by Rep. Edward L. Schrock (R-VA). At right, Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski (D-PA), introduces AMVETS National Commander Arthur C. Stahl.