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March 1, 2001

NEWS from Hearing to receive the legislative priorities of The Retired Enlisted Association, Gold Star Wives, Fleet Reserve Association, Air Force Sergeants Association


Witness List and Statements


House Veteran's Affairs Committee Chairman Chris Smith (R-NJ), foreground, and Ranking Democrat Member Lane Evans (D-IL) listen thoughtfully during one of four legislative presentations Thursday.
Gold Star Wives National Chairwoman Rachel Clinkscale, third from left in left photo, presents her group's legislative agenda to House and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee members. At right, Vincent B. Niski, second from left, National President of The Retired Enlisted Association, introduces other members of his panel.
At left, Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX) questions one of the panels. After the hearing Chairman Smith stopped to chat with Fleet Reserve Association National Executive Secretary Charles L. Calkins, left, and Air Force Sergeants Association Executive Director James D. Staton.