Identity Theft

Identity theft has become an epidemic in Virginia and across the United States, claiming over 10 million victims last year alone. It's also one of the most costly crimes to consumers and businesses, and is the fastest growing white collar crime in America according to the Federal Trade Commission.

Securing IDs is essential to not only protecting consumers from financial loss and shoring up the world's finest financial system, but also to securing our homeland from criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists. The protection of personal identification and financial records is an important part in preventing such plagues as meth addiction, white collar fraud, and terrorism.

Virginians should be vigilant to protect themselves and our community from the dangers caused by identity thieves. If you become a victim of ID theft, please contact my district office at (434) 293-9631 for personal assistance or visit the Federal Trade Commission identity thief Web Site for advice on how to secure your personal data as well as what to do if your identity is stolen. provides practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information. You can also take their tests to learn how to avoid becoming a victim of phishing, spam, spyware and other online scams.

» Learn more about consumer protection

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