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Honoring the legacy of Cesar Chavez

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 I rise with my colleagues today to remember a great American on his birthday. César Chávez would have been 83 years old yesterday.

He devoted his entire life to the betterment of this nation and to its people. He gave voice to the voiceless. In working with the farm workers and organizing their union, in fighting for their dignity, respect, and equal treatment on the job. He worked for farm workers who were not considered equals in any sense. He gave voice to the voiceless.

And in these times when we see these disturbing trends going on in our nation, where even on the floor of this great people's hall we hear disturbing trends where people are marginalized, demonized, dehumanized because of who they are and the circumstances of their life. These disturbing trends should remind us of César's legacy. His legacy was not about creating a situation where people are treated less than, but creating a society where people are treated as equals, with respect, and with dignity.

César insisted on the best for us and on the best in us. He insisted on a sense of faith about the future and our families and our nation. He insisted on tolerance that we as human beings should understand and respect each other, and with that respect comes understanding and with that respect comes a better nation. He insisted on equality, that all humans are created equal under our constitution -- all people are created equal under our constitution -- and he fought his entire life to make that value a reality for all of us.

So when we celebrate his birthday and we celebrate his legacy, let us not forget that César's legacy is a living legacy. A legacy that calls upon us day after day to continue his work, to forward his vision, and to make this nation the best it can be and to make ourselves the best we can be.