Photos and Events

2/27/07: Dodd Addresses Credit Union National Association Governmental Affairs Conference

Watch remarks from Senator Dodd:
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Speaks to Importance of Credit Unions as Means of Expanding Opportunity, Prosperity, Security for Americans

2/07/07: Senator Dodd: Create, Sustain, Preserve, and Protect the American Dream of Home Ownership

February 7, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee and a longtime advocate for affordable housing and home ownership, today convened a hearing on predatory lending practices in the mortgage market.


2/01/07: Dodd to Announce Legislation Providing Paid Leave for Workers

February 1, 2007

  • Watch Clips of Senator Dodd's press confrence: Click Here

Washington- Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), author of the landmark Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which has enable approximately 50 million Americans take leave from their jobs for the birth or adoption of a child, and in order to care for themselves, their children or an immediate family member, today announced legislation, which he will introduce in the coming weeks, to provide paid leave for employees. Sen. Dodd’s bill would also expand the number of individuals eligible for FMLA. Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK), has announced his intentions to co-sponsor Sen. Dodd’s legislation.

1/25/07: Prepared Remarks of Senator Dodd at US Conference of Mayors

January 25, 2007

Tonight’s dinner is being held to honor new leadership in the Congress. On that note, allow me to join in saluting our new Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, and our new Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.

They are off to an outstanding start as the new leaders of the Congress.

This is my first address since being formally chosen as Chairman of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. I am pleased and honored to share my thoughts with you, the Mayors of America, and other friends.

1/09/07: Senator Dodd Speaks at Rev. Jesse Jackson's Wall Street Summit

Watch excerpts of the speech:

12/08/06: Senator Dodd Attends Peace Corps Reception in Boston

December 8, 2006

Senator Dodd, a former Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic, spoke to Boston-area returned Peace Corps volunteers and those who are soon to depart for their tour.  Senator Dodd shared his personal experiences from the Peace Corps and offered advice to fellow volunteers.

12/08/06: Senator Dodd Speaks at the New England Association of Schools and Colleges

December 8, 2006

Boston - Senator Dodd addresses the annual meeting of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), where he also received the Charles W. Eliot Award.

Below, Senator Dodd with incoming NEASC President James Mooney, left, and UConn President Philip Austin.

12/07/06: Senator Dodd's Remarks on Banking Committee Agenda

December 7, 2006

This morning, Senator Dodd addressed members of the press to unveil his agenda for the Banking Commitee in the 110th Congress.  Senator Dodd will become Chairman of the Committee when the Senate convenes in January 2007. A video with excerpts from the conference and his prepared remarks are below.

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