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Honors and Awards

Since his election in 1994, Congressman Jones has been recognized by a number of different associations and organizations for his efforts in Congress.

Some of these honors and awards include the following:

  • The American Legion Department of North Carolina presented Congressman Jones with an Award of Appreciation for his work on the House Armed Services Committee and his many years of service to the state, its military personnel, and the many veterans that call North Carolina home.

  • In 2008, U.S. English, Inc. honored Congressman Jones with the "A in English" Award for his work to make English the official language of the U.S. and reduce government multilingualism. U.S. English, Inc. is the nation's oldest and largest citizens' action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the United States.

  • Association for Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina presented Congressman Jones with its highest honor, the Home Care & Hospice Hero Award, in 2008. The award recognized Jones' unwavering support for home care and hospice programs that allow North Carolina citizens to have the preferred choice of affordable health care services in their homes, as opposed to costly institutional care.

  • In 2007, The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) awarded Congressman Jones the Col. Arthur T. Marix Congressional Achievement Award for championing legislation to protect retired military families against disproportional health fee increases.

  • The Military Coalition (TMC) awarded Congressman Jones their highest honor, the 2006 Award of Merit. Joe Barnes, TMC Co-Chairman and National Executive Secretary of the Fleet Reserve Association, presented the award to Congressman Jones for his work in championing the causes of health care and many other benefits for military families.

  • In 2005, the Marine Corps Reserve Association presented Congressman Walter Jones with the prestigious Major Frank M. Tejeda Leadership Award. The Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Michael Hagee, presented the award to Jones in honor of his dedication to America's servicemen and women and their families.

  • United States Business and Industry Council (USBIC) honored Congressman Jones with the “American Values Award” for "his outstanding service to the nation, his personal integrity, and his courageous fight to preserve the U.S. industrial base and to ensure a high standard of living for the American people.”

  • Congressman Jones was honored as a “Friend of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA)” for his commitment to protecting the shores and beaches of Eastern North Carolina.

  • In 2006, Congressman Jones was named to U.S. Border Control's Hall of Fame in recognition of his voting record and leadership on border security and immigration issues.

  • Southern Economic Development Council (SEDC), the oldest and largest regional economic development association in North America, named Jones to the SEDC's Honor Roll of Legislative Achievement in Economic Development.

  • In 2005, North Carolina Christian School Association (NCCSA) presented their "Christian Liberty" Award to Jones for his dedication to protecting religious freedoms.

  • The National Tax Limitation Committee awarded Jones with their prestigious "Tax Fighter Award" for his work to make the Bush tax cuts permanent, to eliminate the death tax, to provide incentives for private savings, investments and job creation and to control the growth of federal spending.

  • Family Research Council, based in Washington D.C., has consecutively honored Jones with their annual "True Blue" award which recognizes members of the House and Senate who have exhibited extraordinary leadership and dedication to the defense of family, faith, and freedom.

  • Fleet Reserve Association installed Congressman Jones as an honorary lifetime member for his work to improve the quality of life for active duty and retired U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps personnel.

  • American Conservative Union recognized Jones among the "Best and Brightest" for earning consecutive, perfect 100% ratings in 1998 and 1999.

  • Christian Coalition awarded Jones the "Friend of the Family" award for his faithful commitment to strong family values.

  • Center for Security Policy recognized Jones with the top "Pro-National Security" award, an honor given to only 24 of 435 Members of the House.

  • Veterans of Foreign Wars gave Congressman Jones the "Best Voting Record Rating Among North Carolina Representatives" award.

  • Council for Citizens Against Government Waste honored Jones as a "Taxpayer Hero" in recognition of his commitment to voting to cut waste and fraud.

  • United Seniors Association (USA) awarded Jones the "Murphy Award" for his dedication to solving issues that affect our nation's seniors.

  • National Federation of Independent Business recognized Congressman Jones as a "Guardian of Small Business" for recognizing the importance of small business in America and fighting for small business in Congress.

  • American Farm Bureau Federation honored Jones as a "Friend of the Farmer" for his support of farm and agriculture-related issues.

  • Watchdogs of the Treasury, Inc. presented Jones with the "Golden Bulldog Award" for his efforts to cut federal spending, eliminate waste, and reduce the deficit.

  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce recognized Congressman Jones with the "Spirit of Enterprise" award in recognition of his continued support of issues important to American business.
