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For Immediate Release
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Contact: Kathleen M. Joyce
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Washington, D.C. – Representative Walter B. Jones (R-NC) has introduced H.R. 150, the Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act, legislation that would require states to submit in-depth statistics on illegal alien criminal activity to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in order to receive funding from the Department of Homeland Security. The bill would also require all federal agencies to submit data on illegal alien crime to the FBI for publication. Jones first introduced the bill on June 5, 2008, in the 110th Congress as H.R. 6192.

“Crimes committed by illegal aliens are plaguing cities and states across our nation,” Congressman Jones said. “In New Jersey, an illegal alien was charged with the August 2007 execution-style slaying of three Newark college students, and the shooting of another. In Los Angeles, an illegal alien was charged with the March 2008 murder of a young athlete and scholar, Jamiel Shaw, who was gunned down outside his home in a senseless act of violence.”

“In North Carolina, an illegal alien was charged with second degree murder for driving drunk and then killing a 22-year-old man in a car crash over the 2007 Thanksgiving holiday,” Jones continued. “And just last month in Fayetteville, NC, an illegal alien from Honduras was arrested and charged in connection with the death of a 64-year-old woman who was beaten outside her home. Investigators say the illegal alien had been deported at least a dozen times over the last 20 years, but he kept getting back into the United States.”

“While illegal alien crime is occurring all over the country, the public has no way of knowing the extent of the problem. This is because the federal government and the states do not currently report statistics on criminal alien offenses,” Jones said. “Because nothing is more important than the security of our nation and the safety of its citizens, I have introduced the Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act to help bring sunshine to the issue of illegal alien crime. When our law enforcement officers, elected officials and the American public are made aware of these crime statistics, our nation can take steps to more effectively address the problem.”

The Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act would bring awareness to the incidence of illegal alien crime by:

- requiring states to submit in-depth statistics on illegal alien criminal activity in order to receive funding from the Department of Homeland Security,

- requiring all federal agencies to submit data on criminal activity by illegal aliens, and

- requiring the FBI to compile this information and produce an annual publication, similar to its existing Uniform Crime Report, with detailed statistics on illegal alien crimes.

For additional information, or to schedule an interview with Congressman Walter B. Jones, please contact Kathleen Joyce at (202) 225-3415.
