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Flag Order Form:

Please use the form below to submit a flag order to Congressman Walter Jones.

Prefix: *   First Name: *
Middle Name:
Last Name: * Suffix:
Address: *
City*, State* and Zip*:
Phone: *
E-mail: *
Requested Dates for flag to Be flown: *
Flag will be presented to: *
Special Occasion: *
Flag Selection:
Size Material Price Quantity Line Total
3x5 nylon $9.00 $
3x5 cotton $9.25 $
4x6 nylon $13.50 $
5x8 nylon $18.00 $
5x8 cotton $20.00 $
Fee to fly flag over the Capitol: $4.05 (per flag)
Franking Fee: $3.95 (per flag)
Franking fee is not applicable if you pick up the flag from Rep. Jones' Washington office.
Total amount to be enclosed on check $

Please make checks payable to Representative Jones/Office Supply.

Allow five weeks for delivery after flag is flown. Please write the type of flag and amount of flags you are ordering in the MEMO section of the check.

After submitting this online form, please mail a check to:
Congressman Walter B. Jones
2333 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Attn: Flags

* = Required