Reid Discusses the Inauguration of President Barack Obama
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January 21, 2009

Nevada Senator Harry Reid discussed the inauguration of President Barack Obama and what it means to Nevada. Reid looks forward to working with President Obama and his colleagues on both sides of the aisle in Congress on a vision to put America back on the right track, starting with the passage of an economic recovery package that will strengthen our economy by cutting middle class taxes and creating jobs.

"The Inauguration of President Obama was something I am proud to have been a part of and will always remember," said Reid. "Now that the ceremony is over it's time to roll up our sleeves and work with our new President to begin the work of remaking America." To read more on Senator Reid's work for Nevada please visit the Issues page on his website by clicking here.


Bruce R. Thompson
Courthouse & Federal Bldg
400 S. Virginia St, Suite 902
Reno, NV 89501
Phone: 775-686-5750
Fax: 775-686-5757

Washington DC

522 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3542
Fax: 202-224-7327
Toll Free for Nevadans:
1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343)

Carson City

600 East William St, #302
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-882-REID (7343)
Fax: 775-883-1980

Las Vegas

Lloyd D. George Building
333 Las Vegas Boulevard
South, Suite 8016
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-5020
Fax: 702-388-5030

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