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Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) Official Web Site

The METS schema is a standard for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata regarding objects within a digital library, expressed using the XML schema language of the World Wide Web Consortium. The standard is maintained in the Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress, and is being developed as an initiative of the Digital Library Federation.


METS Now in Persian: Check out the translation of the "METS Overview and Tutorial" that is now available in Persian.
-- See Announcement

METS Registry Update: The latest edition of the METS Registry has been updated through 2009-01-21 and includes the newest contact information available.
-- See Latest METS Registry

METS Editorial Board Meeting Minutes: The minutes are now available from the 2008-11-10 Board meeting at Fall DLF:
-- See Minutes

New METS Board Members : The METS Board welcomes 4 new members to the METS Board:
-- See Announcement

METS Overview and Tutorial in Spanish: A translation of the METS Overview and Tutorial is now also available in Spanish:
-- See Announcement

METS Now in Chinese: The METS Editorial Board is very happy to announce that the METS schema documentation (v.1.6), and METS Overview/Tutorial have been translated into Chinese:
-- See Announcement

Metadata Report Published: A report has recently been issued by JISC, entitled, "Metadata for Digital Libraries: State of the Art and Future Directions."
-- See Announcement

Final Version of METS Primer Now Available : The final version of the METS Primer and Reference Manual has just been released.
-- See METS Primer

The National Diet Library of Japan Selects METS: The National Diet Library of Japan has selected METS for use in its Digital Archiving System.
-- See Announcement

MIM Meeting Report and Presentations Available: The report from the 2007-05-08 METS Implementors' Meeting held in in Göttingen, Germany is now available for viewing, as well as the presentations from the Meeting and METS Opening Day:
-- MIM Germany Report
-- Presentations

METS Documentation Page: The METS Schema and Documentation Web page has been re-organized for easier use. METS tutorials are now available in English, Italian, Portuguese, and German.
-- See Documentation Page

METS Suggested Reading List: A brief list of helpful METS background readings has been compiled and is now available.
-- See List

-- More METS News



  The Library of Congress >> Standards
  January 23, 2009
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