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Press Releases

Contact For The Press
Colleen K. Mangone
Communications Director
439 Cannon House Building
Washington, DC 20515
P: 202-225-5301
F: 202-225-3216
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  • Barrett Votes Against Democrat Stimulus Bill

    Congressman Gresham Barrett (SC, 03) today voted against the Democrat Stimulus Bill, H.R. 1. Barrett took to the floor of the House of Representatives to speak out against the $825 billion spending package. During his floor speech, Congressman Barrett made the following statements:
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  • Barrett Comments on 36th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

    Congressman J. Gresham Barrett (SC, 3) released the following statement in support of the March for Life occuring in Washington, DC today to mark the 36th Anniversary of the Supreme Court decision known as Roe v. Wade
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  • Barrett Statement on the President's Executive Order to Close Guantanamo Bay

    Congressman J. Gresham Barrett released today the following statement in response to President Obama's executive order closing the terrorist detainee facility at Guantanamo Bay
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  • Barrett Votes to Cut Off Additional Funding for TARP

    Congressman Gresham Barrett (SC, 03) today voted to disapprove the release of the final $350 billion of TARP funding. Barrett took to the floor of the House of Representatives to speak out against further expanding TARP.
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  • Barrett Introduces Measure to End TARP Expansion

    Washington, DC – This afternoon Congressman Gresham Barrett (SC, 3) went to the floor of the House of Representatives to stop the distribution of the final $350 billion provided for by the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP). Using a procedural tool called a Motion to Recommit, Barrett offered a motion that would repeal the third and final TARP payment, and require the Secretary of the Treasury to develop a plan and timetable for all TARP recipients to pay back the taxpayers.
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  • Barrett Statement on the Inauguration of President Obama

    Congressman J. Gresham Barrett released today the following statement on the inauguration of President Barack Obama
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  • Barrett Statement on Bush Farewell

    As President George W. Bush prepares to leave the White House after eight years, Congressman J. Gresham Barrett (SC,3) released the following statement thanking him for his service and leadership to our nation.
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  • Rep. Barrett Meets with Corps Officials Regarding Lake Levels

    Washington, DC – Congressman Gresham Barrett (SC-03) met earlier this week with General Schroedel, commander of the South Atlantic Division, US Army Corps of Engineers to discuss the current drought situation and a better way forward. At the meeting Congressman Barrett followed up on a formal request he recently made to the Savannah Corps of Engineers that the releases from Lake Thurmond are kept at 3100cfs for as long as possible. In addition, Congressman Barrett has asked for a plan of action from the Corps of Engineers for any future drought conditions that are likely to occur.
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  • Congressman Barrett Votes Against SCHIP Expansion

    Congressman Gresham Barrett (SC, 03) voted against the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) reauthorization Act. H.R. 2 expands eligibility to children of higher income families prior to ensuring all currently eligible children have enrolled and are receiving the health care coverage afforded under SCHIP. H.R. 2 will increase taxes by $71.1 billion over the next ten years. Additionally, the bill will increase spending on the program from the $40 billion spent over the past ten years to a total of $60 billion over just the next four and a half years.
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  • Barrett Announces $18,050 Grant for Jackson Fire Department

    Representative Gresham Barrett (SC,3) announced today that the Jackson Fire Department will receive $18,050 in grant monies through the 2008 Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program sponsored by the United States Department of Homeland Security. This money is to be used to purchase new operations and safety materials.
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  • Barrett Statement on Current Gaza Situation

    Congressman Gresham Barrett, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement supporting Israel regarding the current situation in Gaza
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  • Barrett's Website gets a New Look

    Today, Congressman Gresham Barrett (SC, 3) launched a new look for his website. The new website has a fresh, clean look and will be easier to navigate.
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  • Barrett Comments on start of 111th Congress - Announces Committee Assignments

    Congressman Gresham Barrett (SC, 3) began his fourth term in Congress as he was sworn in yesterday afternoon as a Member of the 111th Congress.
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