Congressman Paul Tonko Votes in Favor of Stimulus Package

(Washington, DC) -- Rep. Paul Tonko (D-Amsterdam) voted Wednesday evening in favor of  the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the $819 billion package targeted at cutting taxes and making investments to spark long-term growth in the economy.
"The House took a bold step today to approve a package that will be the crucial first step toward saving and creating millions of jobs, stimulating the economy, and making investments that will move us towards an innovation economy that will be built on alternative technologies and renewable resources," said Rep. Tonko following the vote.  "This package also includes tax cuts for 95% of Americans, and an unprecendented level of oversight and accountability that will guarantee that taxpayer dollars will be spent wisely, and will allow Americans to see the results of their investment.".
Rep. Tonko continued: "In addition, schools in the 21st Congressional District stand to gain tens of millions of dollars in additional federal funds that will help districts with the rising costs of special education, and construction costs to modernize facilities and ensure our children are learning in the proper environment.
"Our country is facing an economic crisis that has led to 2.6 million people losing their jobs over the past year, losing their homes, and many more watching their retirement savings shrink. History teaches us lessons; in 1929, the government decided not to act and let the free market work through its crisis. That led to the Great Depression. We can't afford to risk a similar outcome. I believe this package contains the right mix of investments and tax cuts that will revive our economy and put people back to work."

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