Congressman Paul Tonko Receives Committee Assignments

Tonko’s agenda includes ‘green’ innovations, research and development, providing a quality education for all and supporting working families

WASHINGTON, D.C. - - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced that the House Democratic Steering Committee has nominated Rep. Paul Tonko (D-Amsterdam) to the House Education and Labor Committee, and the House Science and Technology Committee.

"I am thrilled with my assignments because I will be able to use my experience to work on the most pressing issues we face," said Rep. Tonko. "Unemployment is one of those key issues, and as part of the solution it's important that we develop an innovation economy that will grow jobs and a cutting edge 'Green Collar' workforce, which will address both our energy demands and unemployment. The key to building an innovation economy will be to reverse eight years of spending cuts in research and development. It is critically important for us to invest in research and development if we’re going to maintain our competitiveness in the new global economy. The 21st District is well positioned to be a leader in this effort with an educated workforce, outstanding colleges and universities, and a growing high-tech sector."

As a member of the Education and Labor Committee, chaired by Rep. George Miller (D-California), Rep. Tonko will be able to work with local colleges and universities to promote lifelong learning and competitiveness that will help train tomorrow’s "Green Collar" workforce. The Education and Labor Committee Democrats' goal is to keep America strong by increasing education opportunities for students, by making it easier for young adults to attend college, and by helping workers find job training and retirement security for a better future. The Education and Labor Committee works on issues like No Child Left Behind, Head Start, Higher Education and LIHEAP.  It also includes issues like pension and retirement benefits, welfare programs, workers’ compensation, and health care access.

As a member of the Science and Technology Committee, Rep. Tonko will be an exclusive New York member on the committee, chaired by Rep. Bart Gordon (D-Tennessee).  While the Committee was established in the wake of the Russian launch of Sputnik in 1957, its jurisdiction grew to include almost all non-defense federal scientific research and development.  In his work on this Committee, Rep. Tonko will be able to address issues related to technological competitiveness, environmental science, U.S. energy policy and education. 

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