Congressman McClintock Urges President to Pardon Border Patrol Agents Compean and Ramos

Congressman McClintock Urges President to Pardon Border Patrol Agents Compean and Ramos

Remarks by Congressman Tom McClintock
House Floor
January 14, 2009

Mr. Speaker:

I rise today to express my hope that this President will not leave office before using his pardon to correct one of the great injustices of our time: the imprisonment of Border Patrol officers Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.  They’re the officers who wounded a drug smuggler as he tried to escape.  The drug smuggler got immunity; Ramos and Compean got lengthy prison sentences.

This injustice sends a chilling message to Border Patrol officers who are heroically trying to defend the integrity of our borders against enormous odds and with inadequate resources. 
It cannot be allowed to stand.


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