Children�s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act Floor Statement

 U.S. Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO)
Floor Statement on H.R. 2 the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act
U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC
January 14, 2009

Madame Speaker,

I rise today in support of the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act and I want to thank Speaker Pelosi who has been an unrelenting champion on this important issue. I also want to thank Chairman Rangel and Chairman Dingell for sponsoring the callously vetoed bills in the 110th Congress, and Chairman Waxman and all of my new colleagues for their leadership on this issue.

Although, like many of you, I was only sworn in a week ago, I have already received numerous letters from constituents who have serious concerns about health care costs and coverage.  We hear from those who have either lost their health care coverage or fear that they will lose it because they simply cannot afford it. We hear from parents who have been denied necessary health care by their insurers, and as a result their children are suffering. This is a grave and costly problem for our country, which we can no longer afford ignore.

This is why we must ensure that this legislation passes the House and Senate and reaches the President’s desk as soon as possible.

This legislation would provide health coverage for more than 11 million children. But more importantly, it would give states, like my home state of Colorado, the vital tools they need to reach out to the thousands of uninsured children who are eligible for SCHIP and Medicaid, but not yet enrolled. Closing this gap is critical to our states.

This is our opportunity to speak out for millions of children who do not have a voice and to safeguard their future.

Madame Speaker,  I urge you to vote for this legislation.


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