January 2009 Archives

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Bill Cassidy (R–Baton Rouge) issued the following statement after meeting with President Barack Obama and the House Republican Conference to discuss economic stimulus legislation:

“I appreciate President Obama’s willingness to work with Republicans and build consensus about how to stimulate the economy.  I agree with the President that we can spur economic growth and create jobs by building strong infrastructure and providing tax relief for families and small businesses.”

“I am frustrated that House Democrats have not been similarly bipartisan, but have ignored Republican concerns about the magnitude of wasteful spending in this bill.  We cannot borrow and spend our way to prosperity.”

Early on, President Obama articulated a vision for the stimulus package based on broad and targeted tax relief and significant infrastructure spending for shovel-ready projects.  (“Obama Plan Includes $300 Billion In Tax Cuts,” The New York Times, January 5, 2009)

Since then, Congressional Democrats, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), have transformed Obama’s vision into a spending spree for projects that could hardly be considered “stimuluative,” including:

·        $200 million to repair the National Mall, including $21 million for sod (page 120);
·        $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts (page 129); and
·        $150 million for repairs to Smithsonian Institution Facilities (page 128).


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Bill Cassidy (R–Baton Rouge) helped introduce legislation to give more children access to affordable health care.  The More Children, More Choices Act reauthorizes and strengthens the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), increasing the number of low-income children eligible for health care coverage.

“This legislation will increase access to affordable health care for those who need it most,” said Cassidy.  “I know from my experience working with the uninsured for twenty years that low income children deserve access to affordable health care.”

“Improving access to affordable health care is an important component of ensuring economic security.  I am proud that the first piece of legislation I helped introduce moves us one step closer to that goal.”

Yesterday, Cassidy co-signed a letter to President-Elect Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging them to fulfill their pledges of bipartisanship by working with Republicans to expand and improve SCHIP by making it more cost-effective and focusing on serving low-income children.

In addition to reauthorizing and expanding SCHIP through 2012, the More Children, More Choices Act creates a refundable tax credit of $1,400 per child to help parents purchase quality health coverage for their children.  Specifically, it strengthens SCHIP by:

·        Giving priority access to low-income children by preventing those with a net worth over $500,000 or income exceeding 200% of the federal poverty threshold from crowding out truly needy children;

·        Requiring states to allow participating families to choose the health care coverage plan that best suits their needs; and

·        Helping families make informed health care decisions by requiring states to provide information explaining the different health care coverage choices available to them.


--Letter Attached--

Suggested Inaugural Events

Many inaugural events are open and free to the public. If you are in Washington, DC you might find it helpful to know that the following events, among others, are currently planned:

·         Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 2:00 pm the Presidential Inaugural Committee will be kicking off the 56th Presidential Inauguration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

·         Monday, January 19, 2009 is Martin Luther King Day, which is a federal holiday.  While many federal buildings will be closed for the holiday, the Smithsonian museums will be open and free to the public. The Presidential Inauguration Committee also plans to hold a youth concert in the evening at the Verizon Center in downtown Washington. This concert for America’s children will be free, but tickets are required. Further details of the concert will be made available by the Committee in the coming weeks. For the latest information regarding the 2009 Presidential Inauguration, please visit www.pic2009.org.

·         Tuesday, January 20, 2009 the President-elect and Vice President-elect and their families will participate in the traditional Inaugural Ceremonies and events. For the first time ever, the length of the National Mall will be open to the public for those wishing to attend the swearing-in ceremony. Free general public standing areas will be available on the National Mall at 4th Street SW.  Festivities will commence at 10 a.m. on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. After the swearing in ceremony concludes, the 56th Inaugural Parade will then make its way down Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White House. Nearly 85 percent of the Inaugural Parade route is open to the public. Tickets for parade viewing bleachers will also be available for purchase by the general public at a reasonable price. An announcement regarding public ticket sales for bleacher seating is forthcoming.

The 2009 Presidential Inauguration Committee has predicted the best and fastest way to get around the city on January 20, 2009 is to take the Metro. To help you in planning your visit, you may wish to visit the DC Metro website at www.wmata.com for further information on transportation.  For further information on balls, galas, receptions, parties, and the official Inaugural Day Parade, please feel free to visit the official Presidential Inaugural Committee’s website at www.pic2009.org .
Finally, the Washington Post has established an “Inauguration Information” website that contains information about events and activities surrounding the Inauguration: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/inauguration-watch .

Committee Assignments, Whip Appointment Advance Louisiana Priorities


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Bill Cassidy (R–Baton Rouge) was named to the Republican Whip Team as an Assistant Whip, in addition to being appointed to serve on the House Committees on Natural Resources and the House Committee on Education and Labor.

“Serving on the Natural Resources and Education and Labor Committees gives Bill a seat at the table where some of Louisiana’s most important legislative priorities are concerned,” said Republican Leader John Boehner (OH).  “Energy security and education reform are important components of our strategy for economic growth, and I look forward to working with him on these issues.”

On the Whip Team, Cassidy will work with Republican Leadership to develop and move legislation through the House.

“I am pleased that Bill joined the Republican Whip Team, the team that will act as the cornerstone of House Republican efforts to preserve, protect and create a better tomorrow for working families,” said Republican Whip Eric Cantor (VA).

With his appointment to the Natural Resources Committee, which has broad jurisdiction over energy resources, water and power, public lands, and coastal management, Cassidy is positioned to advance Louisiana’s extensive energy agenda.

According to the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (LDNR), Louisiana is the largest crude oil producing state in the United States and ranks second in natural gas production.

“Our long term energy security depends on the responsible use of America’s vast energy resources,” said Cassidy.  “Energy production in Louisiana is critically important to economic growth and job creation.”

“Serving on the Natural Resources Committee will help us restore Louisiana’s coasts and protect coastal Louisiana from hurricanes and erosion.”

Louisiana lost roughly 24 square miles of land per year between 1990 and 2000 to coastal erosion, according to a report from LDNR.  Over the next 50 years, the state is expected to lose another 500 square miles of land.

On the Committee on Education and Labor, which oversees all federal education and workforce initiatives, Cassidy will work to reform public education policy, provide students with affordable access to college, and protect worker rights, like the secret ballot in unionizing elections.

“Education is the key to economic security in today’s global economy,” said Cassidy.  “I have three children in public schools, and will work to ensure that they and all children receive the quality education they need to succeed.  As a physician, I am also interested in tackling the challenge of childhood obesity, which is particularly important for their health.”



111th Congress Convenes

Washington, D.C. - The Members-elect of the 111th Congress met in their Hall, and at noon were called to order by the Clerk of the House of Representatives, Hon. Lorraine C. Miller.

The Members-elect and Delegates-elect and the Resident Commissioner-elect were administered the oath of office by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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A New Virtual Office

The office launches a new website for district residents.

It is aimed to allow site visitors to have access to the latest information from Capitol Hill.

Constituents can make requests such as receiving assistance with Federal Agencies, apply for an appointment to one of the U.S. military academies, and request a Presidential greeting.

District residents can view the latest news by signing up for the website's RSS feed.