Perriello Statement on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Today, Congressman Tom Perriello voted in favor of H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. He released the following statement:

“This was a gut-check moment for our country, and Congress acted quickly, transparently, and responsibly to get something done for American families. There is nothing fancy about this recovery package, just basic measures to help our states and localities to keep teachers and police officers on the job. The vast majority of this bill goes directly to tax relief and support to our state and local governments without any federal earmarks.”

“This bill is not perfect, and I would have preferred a more creative vision for investing in long-term competitiveness, but this is a solid step towards economic recovery and a new kind of solutions-oriented politics. Where before we saw blank-check bailouts, we now see unprecedented transparency and accountability. Where before we saw handouts to Wall Street, we now see investments back in Main Street. Where before we saw the federal government trying to control everything, this time we see an unprecedented partnership with state and local officials to get this economy turned around.”

“Through many meetings with citizens and local officials, I heard the concerns and hopes about this package. I have fought hard to make sure small towns and rural communities are represented. I have fought for investments in rural broadband and other infrastructure projects that create value and competitiveness over the long term. And I am proud to have co-authored a provision that helps middle-class families keep their children in college and help displaced workers afford a community college or university education so that they can reenter the job market as the economy recovers.”

“Our economy is in crisis. Every day we delay, another 16,500 Americans lose their jobs. Aggregate consumer demand has dropped faster than at any time since the Great Depression. In Martinsville and Danville, we are nearing 15% unemployment, with record numbers of households now qualifying for food stamps. This recovery package is a lifeline to our families and our localities, but there is still much work to do to get us through the rapids and back to shore.” 

Perriello and his staff have met with all 5th District county administrators and city managers, as well as many mayors and members of Boards of Supervisors, to get their “wish lists” of projects to be funded. He will be working closely with Gov. Kaine’s office to ensure the 5th District gets strong representation in state funding decisions.


  • Unprecedented Transparency and Accountability: The bill contains no earmarks and a dedicated website,, will allow citizens to track every penny and progress of projects funded by the plan.
  • Helping Workers Hurt by Recession: extends and increases unemployment benefits through December of 2009; increases food stamp benefits by over 13%; and provides a 65 percent federal subsidy for COBRA continuation premiums for up to 12 months.
  • Education and Workforce Development: prevents teacher layoffs and other cutbacks in education by establishing a State Fiscal Stabilization Fund. 5th District localities alone are expected to receive nearly $85 million over the next two years for education. Provides an American Opportunity Tax Credit of up to $2,500 for the cost of tuition and related expenses (including textbooks). Provides $4 billion for job training including adult job training, dislocated worker job training, and creating summer jobs for youth.
  • Transportation and Infrastructure: Virginia is expected to receive nearly $1 billion for infrastructure investment. ($745 million for highways and bridges; $118 million for water and sewer). The bill requires states to obligate 50 percent of the highway and transit funding within 180 days. Modernizes water systems to strengthen the safety and cleanliness of our water and to ensure that 3.4 million rural households have new or improved service. Provides $6 billion in rural broadband investments.

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