Title 40--Protection of Environment

(This index contains parts 150 to 189)


150-151 [Reserved]   
152 Pesticide registration and classification procedures
153 Registration policies and interpretations
154 Special review procedures
155 Registration standards
156 Labeling requirements for pesticides and devices
157 Packaging requirements for pesticides and devices
158 Data requirements for registration
159 Statements of policies and interpretations
160 Good laboratory practice standards
162 State registration of pesticide products
163 Certification of usefulness of pesticide chemicals
164 Rules of practice governing hearings, under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, arising from refusals to register, cancellations of registrations, changes of classifications, suspensions of registrations and other hearings called pursuant to section 6 of the Act
166 Exemption of Federal and State agencies for use of pesticides under emergency conditions
167 Registration of pesticide and active ingredient producing establishments, submission of pesticide reports
168 Statements of enforcement policies and interpretations
169 Books and records of pesticide production and distribution
170 Worker protection standard
171 Certification of pesticide applicators
172 Experimental use permits
173 Procedures governing the rescission of State primary enforcement responsibility for pesticide use violations
177 Issuance of food additive regulations
178 Objections and requests for hearings
179 Formal evidentiary public hearing
180 Tolerances and exemptions from tolerances for pesticide chemicals in food
187-189 [Reserved]

