Transportation – Maintaining Our Quality of Life
Nevada remains one of the fastest growing states in the nation.  About 6,000 new residents every month and millions of visitors every year come to Nevada. We must continue to invest in our transportation infrastructure to keep pace with this rapid growth and reduce traffic congestion, accidents, and pollution. For example, poor road conditions cost Nevadans $212 million every year in additional car maintenance and operating costs.  This is why improving our transportation system is one of my top priorities. I remain committed to using my position in the Senate to help bring federal funds to Nevada to build better roads, public transit, and airports.
Transportation Creates Thousands of Good Jobs
Since 2003, I have worked closely with my colleagues to secure over $1.6 billion for Nevada’s transportation projects, including the 2003 transportation authorization, SAFETEA, and the 2005 National Highway Bill. I ensured a provision was included that will require the U.S. Department of Transportation to account for population growth in their new highway and transit funding formulas. As a result, Nevada’s highway funding will increase 30 percent and our transit funding will increase 152 percent over 1998 levels. I also secured $50 million for the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. This project will ease traffic congestion and improve security at one of the nation’s most high-profile public structures.

All this results in more than 76,000 new, good-paying jobs for Nevadans, and it was done without raising taxes and without increasing the deficit.

Making Air Travel Safer and More Convenient
With over 48 million passengers, McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas is now the 6th busiest airport in America.  Meanwhile, Reno-Tahoe International Airport in Northern Nevada has seen its cargo business expand by over 13 percent—one of the fastest growth rates in the country. Nevada’s economy relies on its airports, and this is why it is so essential that we make the necessary investments to keep Nevada's air transportation system safe and efficient. I was pleased to introduce legislation that provides additional Customs and Border Protection Officers to address staff shortages at McCarran. These officers are a crucial element of our homeland security as they interact with the traveling public arriving from overseas, as well as inspecting luggage and airborne cargo. I also secured $1.1 million for a state-of-the-art wind hazard detection system that will improve safety.

I have worked to provide millions of dollars for projects at Reno-Tahoe, including a new terminal air-traffic control tower.  The new tower is expected to be commissioned in 2013. A new sound insulation system, to protect nearby homes, and a second-floor concourse, are also in the works. In addition, I am pleased to have secured $3 million for improvements at the Carson City Airport, and I have been working hard to obtain additional funding for the Elko airport and other airports around the state.

This last year, several highly-publicized incidents revealed the woeful customer service standards of the nation’s airlines. That is why I was so pleased to co-sponsor the Airline Passenger Bill of Rights.  This legislation requires airlines to provide food, water, and restroom facilities during a delay.  For Nevada’s tourist economy, which depends on millions of travelers, this is truly fundamental.

Meeting Nevada’s Highway Needs
Our national highway system spans more than 555,000 lane miles, and is vital to our economy, defense, and mobility. We must protect this investment and ensure that our surface transportation system continues to serve our communities and businesses. Roads with potholes and congested interstates threaten safety, diminish our quality of life, and obstruct economic productivity. Nevada's rapid population growth and tourism industry make these challenges even more important, which is why I place a high priority on improving our transportation system.

In Northern Nevada, I fought for more than $87 million dollars of transportation projects. I secured $28 million for the I-580 (U.S. 395) extension from Reno to Carson City, and directed an additional $2 million for the enhancement of the Carson City Bypass. These projects will help mitigate traffic congestion in the Reno-Sparks metropolitan area and around the region.

In Southern Nevada, Interstate 15 from Las Vegas to Los Angeles is the second busiest long distance corridor in the United States carrying an estimated 10 million trips per year. This is why I secured $26.5 million for lane widening on Interstate 15 from U.S. 95 to Apex Road and $25 million from Primm to Sloan. In the 2008 Transportation Appropriations bill, I secured $1.5 million to widen the Blue Diamond Highway between Las Vegas and Pahrump.

I directed $50 million to the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge, which will serve as a secure transportation route for goods and commodities. I also secured $26.5 million for the Boulder City Bypass Extension, which will connect the Hoover Dam Bypass to existing U.S. 93 / U.S.95 / I-515. When completed, this project will create a 4-lane highway between Las Vegas and the Arizona border.

New Transit Options Means Real Energy Independence
Investing in our transit system will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, protect our environment, and give residents and visitors efficient and economical transportation options.

Our nation needs a world class rail system to relieve crowding on our highways and in our airports. I have long supported federal funding for Amtrak to modernize and continue operations. I secured funding to begin a study for a high-speed rail corridor between Las Vegas and Los Angeles similar to Amtrak's current high-speed corridor from Washington, DC to Boston.

I secured $32 million for the proposed Las Vegas Valley Regional Fixed Guideway project in the transportation reauthorization bill.
I also have worked hard to improve bus service throughout the state, including the Regional Transportation Commission's Metropolitan Area Express (MAX) system, which combines the quality of rail service with the economy and flexibility of a bus. I recently secured $4 million to expand the MAX bus service to the Boulder Highway.

I also secured over $26 million in funds for improvements to the Reno, Carson City, and Sparks bus transit services, and additional funds for rural transit buses and facilities, including a $15.5 million for the ReTRAC project. Expanding and improving bus service throughout the state will reduce congestion and provide another vital transportation choice for senior citizens, students and other Nevadans who are unable or prefer not to drive. That is why I fought for $12 million for the Bus Rapid Transit, similar to the MAX system, on Virginia Street in Reno.

Stepping up to Meet Rural Nevada’s Needs
As a native of Searchlight, I understand the transportation challenges facing smaller and rural communities. I have long been a supporter of rural transportation programs and have worked hard to secure increased funding for rural transportation, including millions of dollars for the Minden, Elko, and Ely airports. Last year, I was proud to secure more than $3 million for statewide bus facilities and buses for rural Nevada in the transportation spending bill.

In the transportation reauthorization bill, I secured nearly $48 million to support small urban and rural public transportation needs in Nevada. Over $8 million will be provided for the Airport Access interchange in Mesquite and an additional $21 million for a new Colorado River Bridge in Laughlin. Additional funding was provided for the purchase of rural transit vehicles and the construction of facilities to support Nevada rural transit programs.

Keeping Nevadans Safe
Last summer, the tragic collapse of the I-35W Bridge in Minnesota was a wake-up call for our country: our infrastructure is crumbling.  Misplaced budget priorities are part of the problem that federal and state officials must address together. We need to remember the old adage, "Safety First," and continue to make improvements that will keep our families safe whenever they travel.

I acquired $2.5 million in funds for the University Transportation Research Center at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. This center focuses on researching safety and national security issues related to transportation of hazardous material. The funds will help safeguard our nation's communities against threats posed by the transportation of these dangerous materials. I also authored legislation authorizing over $80 million for vital rail and highway hazardous materials safety initiatives, and over $62 million for improved security on public transit.

Looking Ahead
In September, the 110th Congress successfully passed its Fiscal Year 2008 transportation appropriations bill which included over $29 million for projects in Nevada, something the 109th Congress failed to do.  With this spending legislation, vital projects across Nevada can stay on schedule.  Be assured that I will use my leadership position to continue securing appropriate funding to meet Nevada’s transportation needs.

I have also worked with Nevada’s Congressional delegation to introduce legislation important for several communities.  Senator John Ensign and I introduced the Southern Nevada Limited Transition Area Act, which will convey federal lands to the City of Henderson for the non-residential development, including an airport.  In Reno, we have authored a bill that will help the city achieve its downtown revitalization plans, facilitating the construction of a public space over the train trench, along Commercial Row and Plaza Street. 


Bruce R. Thompson
Courthouse & Federal Bldg
400 S. Virginia St, Suite 902
Reno, NV 89501
Phone: 775-686-5750
Fax: 775-686-5757

Washington DC

522 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3542
Fax: 202-224-7327
Toll Free for Nevadans:
1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343)

Carson City

600 East William St, #302
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-882-REID (7343)
Fax: 775-883-1980

Las Vegas

Lloyd D. George Building
333 Las Vegas Boulevard
South, Suite 8016
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-5020
Fax: 702-388-5030

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