America needs comprehensive immigration reform

I am strongly opposed to illegal immigration and believe that our immigration laws should be strictly enforced.  At the same time, there is near-universal agreement that our system is broken and in need of reform.

Immigration reform is a national security issue of critical importance.  We need to know who is in our country and who is crossing our borders.  I believe that everyone who comes into the United States must be screened and every worker must have legal authorization to work.  Reform will allow us to focus our resources on criminals, terrorists, and those who wish to do us harm.

I believe reform should include strong and effective enforcement of our borders, tough sanctions against employers who hire undocumented immigrants, and expanded channels for legal immigration where necessary.  Immigrants who are in this country illegally, but want to stay, should get right with the law by registering with the government, learning English, paying their taxes, passing criminal background checks, and paying fines and penalties for being here unlawfully.

I support immigration reform that protects the U.S. economy and American competitiveness, while also safeguarding the rights and wages of American workers.

Hard-working immigrants have been crucial to the strong economic growth Nevada has witnessed in recent years, and I believe we need immigration reform to ensure our state’s continued economic health.  Reform is also important to keep together Nevada’s families – many of which include U.S. citizens or immigrants legally in the United States, as well as undocumented members.

We must not forget that we are a nation founded on and built by immigrants.  Our grandparents and great-grandparents came here to pursue the American dream, and we should honor that proud heritage as we work to reform our immigration laws.

I supported S. 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006, which the Senate passed with a strong bipartisan vote in the 109th Congress. Unfortunately, the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives refused to work with the Senate to reconcile the differences in our two bills, so we were unable to enact reform that year.  In 2007, I supported S. 1639, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act.  I was very disappointed when opponents of this bill blocked it from coming up for a vote.  By doing nothing, our country is left with the same problems that have plagued our broken immigration system for years.

I remain committed to comprehensive immigration reform and hope that we are able to enact it soon.

The Dream Act

I am a co-sponsor and strong supporter of the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, because I believe that education is the key to our children ’s future and our success as a nation.  Currently, individuals who were brought to the U.S. illegally years ago through no fault of their own have no way to legalize their immigration status and go to college to improve their lives. The DREAM Act would address this problem by providing that upon graduation from high school, young people who have stayed in school and out of trouble would be able to apply for conditional legal immigration status.  This status would be made permanent if they continue on to college or serve in the military.  Students applying for these benefits would have to meet certain criteria, including earning a high school diploma, demonstrating good moral character, and passing criminal and security clearances. 

I do not believe it is fair to punish children, many of whom were brought to the United States as very young children and think of themselves as Americans, for the choices made by their parents.  I also do not believe it makes sense to prevent these children, many of whom have been highly successful students, from going to college so they can more valuably contribute to our society and our economy.  Passing the DREAM Act will give more of our children an opportunity to succeed.  I hope it will soon be enacted, so we can put the American dream within reach for more of Nevada's children.

Unfortunately, on October 24, 2007, opponents blocked the Senate from considering the measure by a vote of 52-44, short of the 60 votes necessary to proceed.


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Bruce R. Thompson
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