Joe Barton Congressman - 6th District of Texas

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12/29/2008 12:00:00 AM Sean Brown
(202) 225-2002
Barton Briefing - December Newsletter

Dear Friend,
Thank you for your interest in receiving my email newsletter in which I share with you directly some of the things going on in Congress and the Sixth District of Texas.

I want to start by expressing my gratitude to you for re-electing me and allowing me to keep a job I love so much. I am honored. I appreciate the opportunity to be your voice in Washington.

From Washington to Waxahachie, the Barton Briefing has been caught up in the wave of Christmas Spirit that is sweeping across our country.

In this edition, I will tell you how a newly passed law in D.C. has improved the safety of the gifts your kids will rip open this holiday season.

And did you know the 6th District received a big honor this year from First Lady Laura Bush? An ornament deigned by an Arlington artist is hanging on the White House Christmas tree. Keep reading for the back story and a picture of the ornament.

I will also update you on a campaign promise I made 24 years ago – one that continues to save taxpayers money each year.

And despite the wild winter weather raging across the country, we are already planning for the summer. Keep reading for details on how a college student you know could become an intern in one of my offices in Texas or Washington, D.C.

Again, I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and hear what you have to say.  I also want to encourage you to visit my newly updated website -

Thanks for reading!


Joe Barton
Member of Congress (TX-06)

Safer toys sitting under the Christmas Tree

It’s a new law with a long name, but a simple purpose. The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 will make sure the toys delivered by Santa this year are safer than in the past. It gives the Consumer Protection Safety Council (CPSC) added authority to inspect and test children’s toys so they get tested for safety before children test them on the living room floor on Christmas Morning.

The strict rules set forth in the new law don’t kick in until February, but just the threat of legal action pushed many large stores and toy manufacturers to clean up their act early – just in time for the Holiday Season. This includes chains like, Wal-Mart, Target and Toys-R-Us.
However, The “Toy Bill” - as it is known in Washington – doesn’t just give the CPSC added authority to inspect and test children’s toys, it also creates a national laboratory that’s headed by the organization.

This law sets the toughest lead standards in the world for products that are going to be used by our children- including banning three-wheeled ATVs and requiring new rules for four-wheelers.

On the chemical compound called phthalates, it outlaws three specific phthalates because there is adequate evidence that they might be harmful in children’s products. It temporarily bans three others and sets up a science-based study that gives the CPSC the authority to outlaw them, too, if the science shows that they should be. It also requires that the science be verifiable, so that we don’t ban or outlaw products based on bad science.

This was a bi-partisan effort, Republicans and Democrats coming together to create a law that makes toy safety a national concern instead of relying on the growing conglomeration of local and state rules that threatened to leave everybody confused.

The final result is your kids and mine unwrapping safer toys on Christmas morning.

Holiday Tradition with a Texas Twist

Back in July, my office got a unique request. First Lady Laura Bush was giving the 6th District a chance to be part of a holiday tradition – she asked if we would pick an artist to design an ornament for the White House Christmas Tree.

We immediately turned to the art department at the University of Texas at Arlington. It not only allowed teachers to use the opportunity to educate, but it gave them a chance to highlight the art program on a national stage.

Associate professor Robert Grame came up with a unique design. The two pictures involved show the influence Texas has on the energy industry – past, present and future.

I had a chance to see the ornament hanging on the tree during a recent reception at the White House. It really stands out and represents the 6th District well.

I congratulate Mr. Grame on this honor and thank him for his hard work.
Responsible Budgeting: Spending your money wisely

When I ran for congress for the first time back in 1984, I made a promise – I was going to return 10% of my office’s annual operating budget to the Treasury. Over the years, I have been able to achieve that goal. It wasn’t always easy, but my staff and I tightened our belts when necessary always remembering the money spent here belongs to taxpayers.

Times are tough. People are losing their jobs and others are struggling to make mortgage payments. At the same time, it seems like government spending is out of control.

Since 2002 my office has returned an average of almost 11 percent of its budget totaling nearly $1 million. I know that may not seem like a lot when compared to the $700 billion bailout of financial markets that was passed by Congress a few months ago. I voted against that plan because there weren’t protections for taxpayers. Fiscal responsibility drives me to spend my congressional office budget wisely.

I still stand by that promise I made 24 years ago and I will continue to work to root out waste, fraud and abuse within the federal budget.

Help Wanted

It may be Christmas Break for students across our area, but it’s never too late to start making plans for the summer.

We are searching for interns for my offices in Ennis, Arlington and Washington, DC.

It is a unique opportunity for students to see how a Congressional office works.

The internship involves assisting with incoming mail, researching legislative issues, attending lectures and hearings, giving tours, working with legislative staff on special projects and assisting with other general office duties. We are looking for candidates who are self-starters, detail oriented, have excellent writing and communication skills, and are able to multi-task. This is a great opportunity for college students and graduates seeking an exciting experience on Capitol Hill or in public policy.

Feel free to email your cover letter and resume to or contact the Washington office at 202-225-2002.

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2109 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2002
(202) 225-3052 fax

6001 West Ronald Reagan Memorial Highway,
Suite 200
Arlington, Texas 76017
(817) 543-1000
(817) 548-7029 fax

2106 A W. Ennis Ave.
Ennis, Texas 75119
(972) 875-8488
(972) 875-1907 fax

303 N. 6th St.
Crockett, TX 75835
(936) 544-8488