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Barrett Votes Against Democrat Stimulus Bill

Barrett Votes Against Democrat Stimulus Bill


WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Gresham Barrett (SC, 03) today voted against the Democrat Stimulus Bill, H.R. 1. Barrett took to the floor of the House of Representatives to speak out against the $825 billion spending package. During his floor speech, Congressman Barrett made the following statements:


“Without a doubt, the American people are suffering. In my home state, unemployment grew to 9.5 % in December – its highest mark in over twenty-five years. Our national debt is increasing, and on Monday alone, 70,000 Americans lost their jobs. Unfortunately, rather than focusing on job creating measures like infrastructure improvement and tax cuts, the Democrats have put forth legislation with billions in unwarranted and unrelated spending.  I believe the government’s responsibility is to ensure the actions taken are aimed at providing immediate and meaningful economic stimulus while offering long-term solutions.


“In addition to having reservations regarding the effectiveness of the proposed stimulus package in the short term, I am also concerned that my democratic colleagues have filled this bill with non-stimulative spending.  The Democrat plan provides: $50 million for the National Endowment of the Arts, $250 million for NASA to study climate change, and $1 billion for the 2010 census package.


“In these financially challenging times, we cannot afford to open a door to unwarranted spending under the banner of “economic stimulus.” It is my sincere hope that this Stimulus package fails and we in Congress can debate a bill that doesn’t hurt the future of this nation.”


To watch view Congressman Barrett’s speech in its entirety, please click here.

