Media Center

Latest Release

January 28, 2009: Congresswoman Titus Named to Homeland Security Committee
"Protecting the American people is our first duty as elected officials. As a member of the Homeland Security Committee, I will work to fulfill that duty by ensuring that from our borders to our ports, from our firefighters to our police, the necessary resources are invested to provide for our nation's safety and security." …More

Press Releases

January 28, 2009: 
Titus: Recovery Plan Is Vital for Clark County and Communities Across the Country
"That is why I believe it is so critical that Congress pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It will provide a boost for our nation's schools at a time when we cannot afford to shortchange the educational needs of our children, especially as we move into a new high tech renewable energy economy." …More
January 27, 2009: 
Recovery Bill Expected to Provide $179 Million for Clark County Schools and $291 Million for Nevada's Infrastructure
"It is vital that during this period of economic hardship that we do not shortchange the educational needs of our children. We must continue to invest in our nation's future by ensuring that students receive a quality education." …More
January 26, 2009: 
Rising Unemployment Numbers Underscore Need for Economic Recovery Package
"Today's bleak unemployment numbers once again underscore the need for quick action on an economic recovery package. Nevadans have seen their economic security erode month after month, day after day as the economic news continues to get worse." …More

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January 21, 2009: 
Congresswoman Titus Congratulates Green Valley High Band
"It was with great pride that Nevadans in the audience and back home watched to see our students celebrate the inauguration and take their place in the historic moment. I again congratulate them on their fine performance and thank them for coming to Washington." …More
January 13, 2009: 
Congresswoman Titus Delivers First Speech on House Floor
"Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I stand on the floor of this House to represent the people of Nevada�s Third District. I am humbled by the trust and faith they have placed in me and I pledge to live up to that trust." …More

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Latest News

Congresswoman Titus Cosponsors Legislation to Prevent Congressional Pay Raise
"Families are tightening their belts and too many hard-working Nevadans are desperate to find a job. It is unconscionable that during this time of economic hardship that Members of Congress are scheduled to receive an automatic pay raise."…
Titus Statement on Additional TARP Funds
"While I have confidence that President Obama intends to responsibly use the remaining TARP funds, I cannot support releasing the funds until there are sufficient safeguards to ensure accountability and transparency."…
Titus Supports TARP Reform to Ensure Accountability and Transparency
"With Nevada's foreclosure rate the highest in the nation, it is critical that stemming the tide of foreclosures is an integral part of the TARP. It is also essential that there are accountability and transparency so that taxpayers know where the money is going and that it is being used effectively."…